A lady has accused Bollywood star Sharad Kapoor of acting inappropriately and making unwanted physical contact at his Mumbai home. The purported event happened at Kapoor’s house in Khar, Mumbai, earlier this week. Kapoor had invited the 32-year-old complainant, an actor producer from Goregoan, to his house for discussion on a film project. She alleged that at the said place, he asked her to enter his bedroom, behaved inappropriately, and forcibly touched her. Moreover, it is alleged that Kapoor had made offensive messages through WhatsApp after meeting her.
Sharad Kapoor, born on 13 February 1976, is an Indian actor who works in Hindi & Bengali movies and television.
Since his 1994 debut in the Bollywood film Mera Pyara Bharat, Kapoor has featured in a number of motion pictures. His other well-known films are Lakshya, starring Hrithik Roshan, Dastak, and Josh, starring Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. The political drama Jai Ho, starring Salman Khan, was his most recent release.
The complainant said he was making unwanted advances and sending lewd messages through Facebook. She initially ignored him, and to confirm his identity, she asked for a video call. Kapoor allegedly requested her to visit his office to discuss shooting-related work. They also exchanged mobile numbers.
She also mentioned that Kapoor allegedly sent her a photo and a link to obscene material over WhatsApp. He also sent her a voice note claiming that it was his girlfriend’s photo. A vulgar voice note added insult to injury. Following her complaint, an FIR was lodged against the actor on November 27, 2024, under sections 74, 75, and 79 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita. Kapoor has been called in to be questioned. The victim was taken to Kapoor’s office on November 26, 2024, according to police documents. The victim alleges that her former coworker tried to abuse her when he arrived at work wearing excessively revealing attire related to video reels.
Sharad Kapoor has not yet issued an official statement or responded to the allegations.