Why Sadhguru and Isha Foundation irk leftist ecosystem and was on ISIS target?


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106 BC to 43 BC lived a man named Marcus Cicero, who served as the senator in Ancient Rome. Rome’s general public widely regarded him as a champion of justice and someone who uploaded the beam of light against all odds.

 This attribute not only gained him wide respect but also enemies among the powerful. In a desperate bid to silence Cicero, the Second Triumvirate, composed of Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus, twisted his words and painted Cicero as a traitor. Ultimately, he was exiled, a man of honor maligned by those who feared his light. 

Certainly, this is not Rome, nor are we living in 43 BC; we are in India in 2024 AD. However, the fear of light remains the same. Those who fear light are trying to replicate the story of Marcus Cicero today with some other man who dares to uphold the beacon of truth against all odds. The ongoing attacks upon Sadhguru and the Isha Foundation by the Left ecosystem serve as a testament to this enduring struggle.

The fear of Dharmic light is the major reason behind all the attacks the left ecosystem is hurling upon Sadhguru and the Isha Foundation. Despite the leftist ecosystem’s attempts to undermine him, the blessings of Mahadev have helped Sadhguru remain steadfast

Attacks upon Sadhguru and the Isha Foundation-

Fake Allegations against the Isha Foundation of encroaching forest land-

The left ecosystem has constantly reiterated that the Isha foundation has encroached the forest land and is located in the elephant corridor, with reports that three structures were constructed illegally without proper permission from the authorities, including the forest department. These allegations hold no mole of truth since the Isha Yoga Center is constructed on 100% Patta land. In 2013, Tamil Nadu Forest Department officials verified this and clearly documented that the center is only on Patta land and has not infringed onto forest land. The document reference number is CFCIT/07/2013.

By definition, an elephant corridor is a pathway between two places where the elephants reside. As per the Tamil Nadu Forest Department, there are no elephant corridors notified by it in the Coimbatore District. There is one elephant corridor only in the adjoining district, the Nilgiris district. 

Blaming Sadhguru for his wife’s death 

The ecosystem keeps bringing up the death of Sadhguru’s wife, Vijayakumari, to falsely blame Sadhguru for her death. The allegations against Sadhguru for his wife’s death hold no truth. Sadhguru’s wife attained Mahasamadhi on the 23rd of January 1997. There were hundreds of witnesses to Vijayakumari’s Mahasamadhi since this happened in a program conducted at the Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore. But after eight months of Vijayakumari’s death, those who feared Sadhguru’s good work conspired against him and took advantage of his wife’s death to target him. They alleged foul play surrounding her death, primarily criticizing the cremation for being conducted in a hurry. But in reality, the cremation took place 12 hours after her passing, attended by over 2,000 people.

After a proper investigation was conducted by the police and the judiciary, it was found that the complaint lacked any merit and was intended solely to tarnish the reputation of Sadhguru. Consequently, the complaint was dismissed by the court on January 8, 1999. Even after the judiciary dismissed the case, the ecosystem has been repeatedly trying to tarnish the image of Sadhguru by using the death of his wife as a shield.

Isha Foundation on the target of ISIS: 

Not only do Sadhguru and the Isha Foundation have to deal with the leftist ecosystem, but global terrorist organizations are also keeping an eye on them. In the investigation of the Mangaluru cooker blast case last year, it emerged that the Isha Foundation in Coimbatore, along with other Hindu religious places, were among the targets of Shariq, the accused. He spent four days at the Foundation, where he documented his visit by taking multiple photographs, including one with the iconic Adiyogi statue. 

Petty criticisms 

The ecosystem continually attempts to tarnish Sadhguru’s image, often resorting to petty criticisms, such as mocking his passion for riding bikes. Ironically, this same group remains silent when Islamic or Christian preachers incite hatred against Hindus. Their selective outrage highlights a troubling double standard, as they focus on trivial aspects of Sadhguru’s life while ignoring more serious acts of intolerance and animosity. This inconsistency raises questions about their true motivations and intentions, revealing a bias that seeks to undermine those who promote unity and understanding in favor of amplifying divisive narratives.

Lodging Fake Cases

Recently, the father of two ‘adult’ females had filed a Habeas Corpus petition against spiritual guru Jaggi Vasudev’s Isha Yoga Centre. He had alleged that his daughters had been “brainwashed” to reside at the Ashram in Coimbatore. The ecosystem, in search of every single opportunity to tarnish Sadhguru, saw a ray of hope, but unfortunately, the apex court categorically noted that they were voluntarily living at the organization’s ashram without coercion and drew the case against the Isha Yoga Centre. The bench headed by Chief Justice of India, DY Chandrachud, also reprimanded the Madras High Court for ordering a police investigation on the habeas corpus petition filed by the women’s parents. 

The apex court noted that both women are adults, and the purpose of the Habeas Corpus plea was fulfilled as they made it clear that it was the wish of both women to live at the Yoga Center. “Since both of them are adults and the purpose of habeas corpus was fulfilled, no further directions were needed from the High Court.”

 When the father’s advocate argued that the conditions of the Ashram inmates should be investigated, the CJI hit back, wondering if there was a political motive behind the plea. He said, “Now I have doubts whether you are appearing for a political party or you are espousing a cause for your daughter.”

Why Sadhguru-

The Left ecosystem harbors animosity toward Sadhguru due to his active involvement in the Dharmic revival. Standing alone against this entire faction in Tamil Nadu, he has consistently challenged the DMK, a party notorious for its anti-Hindu stance. Sadhguru’s efforts to confront Christian missionaries and the Leftist cabal have positioned him as a singular force against these powerful groups. This unwavering commitment to his cause is primarily why he has become a target for the ecosystem, as they seek to undermine his influence and silence a major Dharmic voice.

Building the Adiyogi Statue and Popularizing Mahashivratri

The Isha Foundation put together a 112-foot tall, 500-tonne steel bust of Adiyogi—the iconic Shiva statue—at the foothills of Coimbatore’s Velliangiri mountains. Designed by Sadhguru, the Adiyogi statue was unveiled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Isha Yoga Centre in the outskirts of Coimbatore on 24 February 2017. Also, there is no one who popularized Maharashtra like the Sadhguru did. Through large-scale events, such as the celebrations at the Isha Yoga Center, he has drawn thousands of people, fostering a sense of community and spiritual engagement. The Left ecosystem views this resurgence of interest in Hindu traditions as a threat. 

Resistance to Christian Missionaries

Sadhguru has been vocal about the need to address religious conversions, especially in the context of Hindu identity and cultural preservation. His anti-conversion stance resonates with many Hindus who feel that their beliefs and traditions are under siege. Tamil Nadu, the state from where Sadhguru comes, is slowly turning up to be the den for Christian missionaries. The state is seeing a rapid increase in Christian conversions. Sadhguru is someone who is adding to the Hindu resurgence by spreading spirituality. This poses a direct challenge to Christian missionaries and the ecosystem.

The Free Temple Movement

Sadhguru has unconditionally supported the Free Temple Movement, which advocates for the liberation of Hindu temples from government control. This has positioned him in loggerheads with Tamil Nadu’s DMK government since Hindu temples contribute a large sum of money to the government. Also, Sadhguru teachings come parallel to the anti-Hindu politics DMK is known for. 

With the blessings of Lord Shiva, every assault directed at Sadhguru and the Isha Foundation has failed to inflict any harm. The ecosystem has attempted, and will likely continue to attempt, to mirror the story of Marcus Cicero. But one should not forget that we are not in Rome, Rajya, but Ram Rajya!!!


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