First Pakistani attack on Jammu and Kashmir: The story of the betrayal of Muslim soldiers and the occupation of PoK

Narayan Singh could not understand the changing political and social conditions of Kashmir

October 1947, the harsh winter season had just begun in the Kashmir Valley. Maharaja Hari Singh of Jammu and Kashmir called Lieutenant Narayan Singh, a commander of his army. The Maharaja asked him how much he has trust in the Muslim soldiers and officers of his army. Narayan Singh replied, “More than the Dogras.” Though India had gained independence, and a new country Pakistan had just emerged. This partition had a deep impact on the society, and Kashmir was a Muslim majority state. The Maharaja’s royal army also had a large number of Muslim soldiers. The Maharaja feared that if Pakistani attacked Kashmir, his Muslim soldiers might switch sides because of their religion.

However, Narayan Singh did not agree with this. He believed that a soldier has only one religion—the protection of the country. Whether he is a Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, or belongs to any other religion, sect or class.

Treachery of Muslim soldiers of Jammu and Kashmir State Force

Narayan Singh could not understand the changing political and social conditions of Kashmir, proving Maharaja Hari Singh’s apprehension true. On 22 October 1947, when Pakistani soldiers attacked Kashmir along with the tribals, instead of stopping them, the Muslim soldiers of the Maharaja’s army joined the armed rebellion.

These treacherous soldiers also shot and killed their commander Lieutenant Narayan Singh and other Hindu soldiers of the platoon. About 5,000 tribals and Pakistani soldiers had entered Kashmir from Pakistan. With the inclusion of about two and a half thousand Muslim soldiers of the Maharaja’s army, their strength doubled.

Result of betrayal: Increasing power of Pakistanis

The traitor soldiers first killed their Hindu comrades and then cut off the telephone wires and other lines of communication. Following this, they kidnapped the guard stationed on the bridge connecting Pakistan and Kashmir, allowing the Pakistani army and tribesmen to quickly invade Kashmir.

Bravery of Brigadier Rajinder Singh

Due to the defection of Muslim soldiers, the Maharaja’s entire army was almost wiped out. Wherever the Maharaja’s army was deployed, the Pakistanis took over, and the route to Srinagar was cleared. The tribesmen were rapidly moving towards Srinagar, but there was no one to stop them.

It is said that on hearing the news of the attack on Muzaffarabad, Maharaja Hari Singh himself wanted to go to the front. But his Chief of Staff Brigadier Rajinder Singh stopped him in Srinagar for talks with India and he himself reached the front. He only had 150 soldiers, but he assumed command of the front in Uri. He did not let the Pakistanis advance for two days.

When they felt that they would not be able to stop them for long, they blew up the Uri bridge, which stopped the Pakistanis’ advance towards Srinagar. Brigadier Rajinder Singh achieved martyrdom while fighting the enemy, saving Srinagar from falling into the hands of Pakistan.

Treachery of Gilgit Scouts

This rebellion of Muslim soldiers was not limited to just Muzaffarabad and Uri. The very same thing happened in Gilgit-Baltistan. The security of Gilgit Agency was with a paramilitary force called Gilgit Scouts which was led by British officers. The number of Muslim soldiers was also high in Gilgit Scouts.

As soon as he got the news of Pakistan’s attack, with the help of British officers the Subedar of Gilgit Scout Babar Khan rebelled and joined Pakistan. He not only killed the governor appointed by the Maharaja but also his Sikh, Dogra and Gurkha companions.

Security of Kashmir and the valour of the Indian Army

Due to the betrayal of Muslim soldiers of the Maharaja’s army, a large part of Kashmir and the whole of Gilgit-Baltistan came under the control of Pakistan. Despite this, Pakistan’s conspiracy to capture Kashmir could not succeed.

The reason for this was the indomitable valour of the Indian Army. Even though the Muslim soldiers of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir supported Pakistan, brave soldiers like Major Somnath Sharma, Brigadier Usman and Brigadier Rajinder Singh sacrificed their lives to save Kashmir from falling into the hands of Pakistan.

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