Selective Indifference: Why Hindu Sentiments Are Constantly Ignored

The Need for Fair Representation: Addressing Media Bias Against Hindu Sentiments and Promoting Interfaith Solidarity in an Interconnected World

In an increasingly interconnected world, religious sensitivity and respect for diverse beliefs are more important than ever. However, when it comes to Hindu sentiments, there is a noticeable trend of indifference, particularly in global media. A recent article published by, which accused Hindutva groups in the U.S. of adopting the tactics of white supremacists and Zionists, exemplifies this issue. Not only is this an unfair comparison, but it also reflects a deep-seated bias against the Hindu community that has often been ignored or brushed aside.

This incident gained attention due to the antisemitic trope embedded within the article, which implied that Jews “play the victim card.” This offensive remark sparked outrage and rightly so, leading to calls for to remove the phrase and issue an apology. The statement was written by a leader of a fringe U.S.-based group that has previously faced legal action for defamation. Despite this background, chose to give them a platform, disregarding the harm it caused to both the Jewish and Hindu communities.

What’s more disturbing is the selective silence around Hindu concerns. Hindutva groups in the U.S. have consistently stood in solidarity with Jewish communities, working together on issues of mutual interest like fighting hate crimes and promoting religious freedom. Yet, this collaboration is conveniently ignored, and instead, narratives are built to demonize Hindus. If such an attack had been directed at any other community, global outrage would have followed, with calls for justice and protests worldwide. However, when it comes to Hindu beliefs and movements, the world turns a blind eye.

The portrayal of Hindutva as a supremacist ideology is not only incorrect but deliberately misleading. Hindutva, in its essence, is a cultural movement aimed at preserving and promoting Hindu identity. By equating it with white supremacism or Zionism, these media outlets fuel a narrative that portrays Hindus as aggressors rather than victims of targeted hate.

It’s time to question why such biased reporting continues unchallenged. Why is it acceptable to malign Hindu sentiments without repercussions? The world needs to recognize that Hindu voices matter, and continued indifference toward their concerns only deepens the divide between communities. Media outlets must take responsibility for their words and ensure that they do not contribute to fostering hate and division.

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