Why has India been invited again to the G7 summit?

Narendra Modi, Meloni, Georgia Meloni, India, Italy, G7 summit, Melodi, Trending, Summit

The G7 Summit, scheduled to take place in the beautiful city of Puglia, Italy, from June 13-15, is being organized at a crucial time. The world is grappling with several crises, including ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, along with significant political events within the G7 countries themselves, such as potential electoral challenges facing U.S. President Joe Biden, France’s Emmanuel Macron, and Britain’s Rishi Sunak in upcoming elections.

The agenda of this summit includes addressing these situations and other global challenges. Similar to 2023, several non-G7 countries, including India, have been invited. In this article, we will delve into the agenda points of the G7 Summit and explore why India has been invited again.

According to the official G7 Italy website, the summit will address several key global issues through six main sessions:

1. Africa, climate change, and development
2. Middle East
3. Ukraine
4. Migration
5. Indo-Pacific and economic security
6. Out-of-area sessions with invited countries and international organizations focusing on Africa, the Mediterranean, artificial intelligence, and energy

Let’s dive deeper into these agenda points.

Focus on Ukraine Conflict

The conflict in Ukraine remains a central point of discussion for the group of seven countries, four of which are in Europe. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will participate in discussions, seeking greater support from Western allies. G7 leaders are hoping to reach an agreement to assist Kyiv, possibly using interest earned from a €300 billion deposit at the Russian Central Bank. However, the technical aspects of extending loans and possibly freeing up assets in a peaceful situation have become controversial.

Efforts to Halt the Gaza Conflict

The G7 will also focus on the Gaza conflict, especially calling for immediate cessation between Israel and Hamas. U.S. President Joe Biden has proposed a comprehensive peace plan to ensure the release of prisoners, increased aid to Gaza, and the security of both Israeli and Gazan residents. The G7 countries, already included in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), have already accepted this proposal.

For these countries, it is essential to stop the war in Gaza due to several reasons, such as domestic and international pressures, the need to prevent conflict escalation in oil-rich areas, and regional tensions such as attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

Significance of Indo-Pacific for G7 Summit

The Indo-Pacific holds strategic importance, especially for Japan, the sole G7 member in this region. These countries are preparing policies to deepen engagement with this region, recognizing the economic capacity and the strategic challenges presented by China’s growing influence.

European G7 members, including the UK, France, Germany, and Italy, are showing increasing interest in the Indo-Pacific, aiming to capitalize on economic opportunities and address regional security concerns.

Climate Change

Climate change remains a major issue, especially as no G7 member is currently on track to meet its emission reduction targets by 2030. The G7 aims to achieve a 40-42% reduction in emissions by 2030, but current policies only suggest a reduction of 19-33%. This shortfall underscores the need for strong leadership from the world’s wealthiest countries, responsible for a significant portion of global emissions.

The summit will strengthen commitments to meet climate goals and explore new strategies, focusing on phasing out coal-fired power plants by the mid-2030s in a phased manner.

Importance of Africa for Meloni

Africa is a priority for Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who is hosting the summit. She aims to establish Italy as a major clean energy link between the EU and Africa, reducing dependence on Russian gas. Her foreign policy includes significant investments in African infrastructure, development, and energy. At the same time, analysts believe that Meloni could use this investment to put pressure on African countries to stop migration and bring back those unsuccessful refugees who cannot afford to take Italy.


Migration is key for Meloni’s govt, with tough entry measures and widened legal channels. Meloni’s policy includes negotiating with African countries to accept returns and refugees, which are not accepted by Italy. The summit will discuss these policies and call for extensive cooperation to effectively manage migration.

The G7 is an advanced economic group. With a GDP of $3.94 trillion, India’s economy is larger than that of Canada, France, Italy, and the UK, and one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.

In addition to the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Japan, several G7 countries are partners of India’s strategic. partnerships also extended, relations Africa, on global security.

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