Rajat Sharma challenged the Congress to meet in court

Rajat sharma, Congress, Ragini Naik, Ragini Nayak, Rajat Sharma, Aap ki Adalat, Trending, Court, Crime, Media

Rajat Sharma firmly confronted the Congress by declaring, “Now the decision will be made in court.” The exchange between Congress leader Ragini Nayak and anchor Rajat Sharma on the live broadcast of India TV on June 4, 2024, ignited significant controversy, sending ripples across political and media realms. India TV promptly signaled its readiness to pursue legal measures against the Congress leader under the guidance of its chairman and editor-in-chief. Simultaneously, Ragini Nayak initiated legal proceedings, accusing Rajat Sharma of resorting to indecent language during their interaction. This clash of allegations has intensified the ongoing debate, with both sides preparing to present their cases before the judicial system, marking a crucial juncture in the unfolding narrative.

Genesis of the Dispute:

The dispute between Rajat Sharma and Ragini Nayak began with their conversation on the day of the vote counting. Ragini Nayak alleged that Rajat Sharma used indecent language during the live show. After this allegation, India TV warned Ragini Nayak of legal action. Rajat Sharma clarified his stance on the entire controversy during his show ‘Aaj Ki Baat’ on Tuesday, asserting that he has never used foul language, neither on the day of the vote counting nor throughout his life.

Rajat Sharma’s Response:

He, in his show, emphasized, “I have been in journalism for 44 years, and people have been watching me on TV for 31 years. Everyone knows that I have never spoken indecently to anyone.” He dismissed the allegations as baseless and false. Rajat Sharma revealed that India TV’s communication department had warned the Congress media cell not to spread lies, threatening legal action if they continued to do so.

Context of the Live Show:

Rajat Sharma emphasized that they had recorded the entire show and made it available for anyone to watch. He questioned whether, if he had said anything inappropriate on June 4, the Congress would have remained silent until June 10. He pointed out the delay of six days in levying accusations against him.

Rajat Sharma’s Clarification:

Rajat Sharma emphasized once more that the Congress spokesperson deliberately misinterpreted his words. He firmly declared, “The statements attributed to me were never uttered by me.” Rajat accused the Congress of orchestrating a scheme to entrap and malign him. He urged his audience to discern the truth amidst the sea of falsehoods and not to lend credence to baseless rumors. Rajat’s plea underscored the importance of relying on facts rather than succumbing to misinformation. He reiterated his commitment to integrity and transparency in journalism, reaffirming his stance against the spread of false narratives. Rajat’s call for discernment resonated with his viewers, who recognized the need to scrutinize information critically in an era fraught with misinformation and disinformation campaigns.

Response from Ragini Nayak:

Despite a warning from India TV, Ragini Nayak doubled down on her allegations to the media, alleging verbal abuse by Rajat Sharma. Tearfully, she insisted that her family had witnessed the incident on video. Taking to Twitter, she asserted being threatened for speaking the truth. Subsequently, she filed a case against Rajat Sharma under IPC sections 294 and 509, marking a decisive legal escalation in the dispute. The case now awaits further legal proceedings, with both parties poised for a protracted legal battle, highlighting the complexity and intensity of the controversy surrounding the allegations.


This controversy has deepened the divide between the media and politics. Rajat Sharma denies accusations; Ragini Nayak pursues legal action. Outcome of case pending; justice uncertain.. Both sides have initiated legal battles, and now it’s up to the court to resolve this dispute. This incident could prove to be a significant turning point in the relationship between the Indian media and political spheres, potentially influencing their dynamics in the future.

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