How Narendra Modi’s BJP is Inspiring Conservatives Globally

Narendra Modi, BJP, Congress, Modi, Trending, RSS, Hindutva, Politics

**EDS: VIDEO GRAB VIA @BJP4India** Barasat: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a public meeting for Lok Sabha elections, in Barasat, West Bengal, Tuesday, May 28, 2024. (PTI Photo)(PTI05_28_2024_000112B)

In the 2010s, the global conservative movement faced a string of defeats, dimming their hopes and paving the way for the dominance of left-leaning ideologies. This shift was not confined to elite culture but permeated political institutions, marking a significant transformation in governance. Scott Alexander, in 2014, coined the term “Blue Tribe” to describe the American Democrats’ increasingly intolerant liberal beliefs. From New York to New Delhi, and Nairobi to Nagoya, the Blue Tribe’s influence is evident. Whether through universities, NGOs, or media platforms like Netflix, people worldwide are embracing these left-wing ideals, furthering this global ideological shift.

Modi and the India

Amid this global leftward shift, India witnessed a contrasting rise of a conservative force. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), under Narendra Modi’s leadership, challenged the long-standing dominance of the Indian National Congress (INC). This transformation wasn’t just a political upheaval but a methodical reformation of Indian society, state, and culture. The BJP achieved significant policy goals and penetrated Indian institutions, signaling a deep-rooted change in governance.

The RSS and BJP: Ground and Pound Strategy

The BJP’s organizational prowess stems from its association with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). The RSS plays a crucial role in supporting the BJP through campaigning, disaster relief, and community engagement. The RSS promotes unity, addressing historical divisions by caste and ethnicity. While the BJP initiates political actions, the RSS fosters societal transformation, creating a robust grassroots network.

Embracing Technology

The BJP’s success also lies in its technological adaptability. Contrary to stereotypes, the BJP has leveraged technology effectively. Modi led a digital campaign on platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook, building a formidable online presence. The BJP’s social media strategies on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube have kept it ahead of the competition, especially in domains previously dominated by the opposition.

Narendra Modi: The Man Behind the Movement

Narendra Modi’s personal journey resonates with many Indians. His background, encompassing lower caste origins, poverty, and deep-rooted Hindu beliefs, connects with a broad demographic. Modi’s leadership style combines humility towards the masses with assertiveness against India’s old elites. This duality has endeared him to the public, reinforcing his image as an incorruptible and action-oriented leader.

The Politics of Pragmatism

The BJP’s political strategy is akin to the mythic Ship of Theseus. While maintaining core cultural policies, the party remains flexible and reactive in governance. This adaptability has allowed the BJP to pursue pragmatic policies, such as leveraging technology for welfare distribution. Modi’s government implemented the India Stack, ensuring direct welfare delivery and formalizing the economy. This technological integration has streamlined welfare schemes, benefiting India’s poor and solidifying Modi’s support base.

Expanding the BJP’s Reach

The BJP has successfully expanded its appeal beyond its traditional base. Through welfare and infrastructure initiatives, inclusive leadership, and the promotion of nationalism, the party has attracted a diverse voter base. Hindutva has provided an aspirational ideology that transcends caste, sect, and regional identities, offering both horizontal expansion for the affluent and vertical mobility for the less privileged.

Hindutva: Cultural and Political Domination

Western observers have predicted dire consequences from the BJP’s Hindutva policies, but India has seen stability and economic growth instead. The BJP has advanced significant cultural agendas, including the removal of Kashmir’s special status and the restoration of the Ram Mandir. These actions have united the nation and shifted India’s cultural landscape.

Strategic Patience and Discipline

The BJP’s approach to politics mirrors military strategy. By slowly infiltrating institutions and building alliances, the BJP has avoided instability and maintained effective governance. Modi has used his influence to promote policies and schemes, reinforcing his leadership role and ensuring widespread support.

Going Beyond Labels

While the BJP may appear conservative, its transformative actions challenge this label. The party has disrupted traditional Indian politics and culture, often adopting progressive stances to achieve its goals. The BJP’s emphasis on restoration and reform reflects a dynamic approach to governance, contrasting with conservative parties worldwide that struggle with ideological stagnation.

Conclusion: Lessons for Global Conservatives

The BJP’s strategic ascent offers valuable lessons for conservatives globally. Building a strong grassroots network, leveraging technology, and adopting pragmatic policies can lead to sustained political success. Conservatives must recognize the need for ideological flexibility and proactive engagement to counter the global liberal shift. The BJP’s journey underscores the importance of patience, discipline, and strategic innovation in modern politics.

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