Mahua Moitra is only digging her political grave deeper!

Rajdeep Sardesai, the name might not instantly trigger images of quality journalism in your mind, or any form of pure journalism for that matter. But hold your judgment for a minute because he might be standing in the same shoes Arnab Goswami wore during that iconic interview with Rahul Gandhi back in 2013. Yes, you read it right. Recently, on the 27th of October, ‘cash for query’-accused TMC MP Mahua Moitra had a tête-à-tête with none other than Rajdeep Sardesai on TV news channel India Today.

Now, if that isn’t surprising enough, wait until you hear what she had to say. Brace yourselves because she boldly claimed that sharing her parliament login ID and password with businessman Darshan Hiranandani is, in no way, against the rules. Well, isn’t that an interesting twist in the tale? It’s almost like saying, “Hey, I shared my Netflix password, what’s the big deal?”

Also read: Mahua Moitra set to face music for the ‘Cash-for-Query’ Scandal

But, hold on, that’s not all. Mahua Moitra, with all the poise of a seasoned potshot artist, took aim at BJP MP Nishikant Dubey, remarking that ‘some little Jharkhandi pitbull can’t end me.’ Now, that’s quite a loaded statement. It’s almost as if she’s underestimating the vengeance quotient of one Jai Anant Dehadrai, the advocate whose dog she has allegedly ousted. Be wary, for advocates and their dogs have a way of seeking justice!

According to the loudmouth MP from Trinamool Congress, “Anyone can make any allegation. Darshan Hiranandani has mentioned about cash. The onus is on the complainant to prove it. The entire list of items that he seems to have given, and he says that there has also been a cash exchange. Where is the proof that he has given? Is any documentary proof provided to show that he has given? If cash is given to me, please give the date on which it was given, the denomination, the details, and the documentary proof. Darshan has made no mention of cash in his affidavit. So, here is advocate Jai Dehadrai who had an acrimonious relationship with me in the past and he is alleging that I received cash.”

Seems like a good old case of ‘he said, she said,’ but with a dash of political drama. To be fair, it’s only a matter of time before we start needing flowcharts to keep track of who’s accusing whom of what.

Now, let’s talk about body language. If you watch Mahua Moitra closely during this interview, you’d notice she’s trying to defend herself with almost negligible evidence. It’s the classic tactic, isn’t it? You know, the one the intellectuals from the Khan Market cartel are notorious for – sounding confident while saying not much at all.

But here’s where it gets interesting. Mahua Moitra, in her attempt to dance around the allegations, lets slip that she did receive some favors, although she’d like to keep it in the ‘just makeup kits’ category. She casually drops, “What are the super luxury items? Why Darshan Hiranandani is not giving an itemized list with all the details? The only thing I have received from Darshan Hiranandani as a close personal friend – one scarf for my birthday present three or four years ago. When he came from Dubai, he called me and asked if I wanted anything. He is a close personal friend. There is a brand called Bobby Brown that I used. He has bought me lipstick in Bitten Peach and an eye-shadow in the color of bark from the Dubai duty-free makeup store not once but maybe two three four five times.”

Also read: Major twist in Cash for Query scandal as Darshan Hiranandani turns approver

Now, let’s pause for a second. Is she genuinely convinced that our politicians and the masses they serve are that gullible? Bobby Brown lipsticks and eye-shadow from Dubai? Really, Mahua Moitra? It’s like saying, “I did accept a diamond-studded tiara, but only because it matched my evening gown.”

The whole saga leaves us with one burning question. Can you really put a price on political favors and alliances? Perhaps it’s a bold new way of doing politics – instead of shaking hands, exchange makeup tips. Maybe the next political debate will involve discussing the latest mascara trends, and we’ll have a ‘beauty budget’ to balance.

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