Manishankar Aiyar is back in action! 

Meet Manishankar Aiyar, a personality that just keeps on giving. His unforgettable remarks aimed at Narendra Modi didn’t just make waves, they played a surprising role in shaping the course of politics. Those very words cleared a path that led to Modi becoming Prime Minister.

As 2024 began to peek over the horizon, discussions swirled about whether Modi’s journey would be a cakewalk. Amidst this speculation, the ever-outspoken Aiyar, a prominent figure within the Congress party, has stepped up once again. It’s as if he’s taken it upon himself to remind everyone why he’s the best gift the BJP could ever receive!

In a recent interview conducted by Barkha Dutt, Manishankar Aiyar once again demonstrated his unapologetic stance regarding his infamous “Neech” comment aimed at Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Back in 2017, Aiyar made this comment, suggesting that Modi was unsuitable for the role of Prime Minister. However, much like his “Chaiwallah” remark, which he might privately regret, this comment turned against him, acting as a catalyst for the BJP’s victory in the Gujarat assembly elections that same year.

But Aiyar’s candid revelations don’t end there. During the launch of his memoir titled “Memoirs of A Maverick: The First Fifty Years (1941-1991),” he recounted how he learned about the alleged “communal” side of former Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao. Aiyar claimed that during his 44-day-long Ram Rahim Yatra from Rameshwaram to Ayodhya in 1992, PM Rao called him from Bhubaneshwar to Delhi.

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During this meeting, PM Rao expressed his lack of objection to Aiyar’s yatra but criticized his definition of secularism. According to Aiyar, Rao told him that he needed to understand that India is a Hindu nation. This left Aiyar taken aback, and he confronted Rao about his statement, arguing that it echoed the BJP’s position. Rao, however, didn’t provide a substantial response and allowed Aiyar to continue his yatra.

Aiyar maintains that, in his view, the Congress party under PV Narasimha Rao’s leadership merely extended the communal approach of the BJP. He made it clear in his interview with Barkha Dutt that he aligns himself with the ideals of the Nehru Congress rather than the Narasimha Rao Congress.

Ironically, Aiyar finds more acceptance and support in Pakistan than in India, despite the fact that his ancestors were forced to leave their homes, thanks to the communalism indirectly promoted by him and his party. The twists and turns of his political journey and his unapologetic yet thought-provoking remarks have certainly earned him a distinctive place in the political landscape.

As the interview with Barkha Dutt revealed, Aiyar’s loudmouth nature continues to be a defining trait. Aiyar’s history of statements, both deliberate and inadvertent, have consistently sparked debates and influenced political dialogues, making him a figure worth watching closely, especially in a time when the political arena is as dynamic as ever. No wonder why Manishankar Aiyar is probably the best asset BJP could have ever asked for. Each time he opens his mouth, BJP gets a minimum addition of 10 seats for sure!


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