Degrees That May Leave You Behind: The 10 Most Useless College Degrees

TOP 10 most useless college degrees

Degrees That May Leave You Behind: The 10 Most Useless College Degrees

Welcome to the world of higher education, where choosing the right degree can make or break your career. But what if your chosen degree isn’t as useful as you thought? In this article, we’ll take a look at the 10 most useless college degrees and explore why they may leave you behind in the job market. So, buckle up and get ready to rethink your career path.

TOP 10 most useless college degrees in the world

Well, well, well, looks like someone just read the list of the top 10 most useless college degrees in the world. Did you find yours on there?

Anthropology and Archeology

One of the most useless college degrees is the anthropology degree. An archaeologist’s path is far more restricted and heavily dependent on luck.

Fashion design

One of the most useless college degrees is the fashion designing. If you are serious about pursuing a career in fashion design, you will need to put a lot of effort into your portfolio.

Tourism and Hospitality

It is one of the most useless college degrees right now. The industry is becoming more volatile, and it is no longer a solid source of revenue.


A degree is one of the most useless college degrees ever. Traditional professional titles such as public relations manager, writer, or reporter are no longer require a university diploma.

Criminal justice

Many police and law enforcement agencies no longer require new officers to have a bachelor’s degree. It is one of the most useless college degrees.

Theatre arts

If you want to pave your way to success and want to indulge in whatever path you choose you can choose. The theatrical arts are overcrowded and very difficult to break into.

Intercultural and International Studies

Intercultural and International studies degree is similar to sociology this may not attract the attention of employers after graduation in this field. This is the most useless college degree.

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Fine arts

This is the useless and lousy college degrees. Combining your passion for the arts with your knowledge can bring value to you as a candidate. Unemployment rate of fine art are majors.

Video and photographic

Your chances of finding work as a videographer or photographer for a firm are limited, as there are a limited number of job opportunities. So this is also the useless college degree.

Communication technologies

This is one of the useless college degrees. Those who don’t want to put themselves in that position may have a more difficult time navigating the job market.

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