9 Anti-Ageing foods for glowing skin and to look young for long time

Anti-Ageing foods

Welcome everyone, Here in this article we are going to talk about best 9 Anti-Ageing foods to look young for the long time and that you must include in your diet to stay younger. We hope you will love this article and please do share with your friends and dear ones.

9 Anti-Ageing foods to look young

Here is the list of 9 Anti-Ageing foods to look young for the long time:


Watermelon contains vitamins A, E and C, which are beneficial for the skin. It also contains lycopene, an antioxidant that helps in maintain youthful skin.


Grapes contain resveratrol which helps in boosting heart health and protects collagen from free radicals and dilates blood vessels. Collagen helps in maintain the elasticity of the skin.


Wrinkles are a common problem associated with skin aging. Research says that pomegranates contain ellagic acid, a compound that may help prevent the formation of wrinkles.

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Sweet potato

Vitamin A, one of the nutrients in sweet potatoes, helps fight fine lines and wrinkles by regenerating damaged collagen and brightening the skin.


Tomato is another addition to the list of anti-ageing foods in India. They contain a lot of lycopene, a natural carotenoid that protects the skin from the sun’s rays.


Spinach is rich in antioxidants and fiber which keep the heart and digestive system healthy.

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Lemon is an obvious choice in anti-aging skincare. Rich in Vitamin C, which helps in skin care, consumption of lemon in the right amount can reduce the chances of wrinkles and prevent them from getting dry.


Carrots are a source of carotenoids that help reduce the chances of developing wrinkles. The beta carotene present in carrots gets converted into Vitamin A in the body and protects the skin from harmful sun rays.


Papaya contains chymopain and papain which enhance the digestion and gut health of a person. The result is healthy skin that stays young longer.

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