Why left liberal cabal don’t witch-hunt Abrahamic demi-gods

Bageshwar Dham Peethadhishwar Dhirendra Krishna Shashtri alias Bageshwar Dham Sarkar has become talk of the town these days. Most of the main stream media is either going pro or anti against his name. In midst of all this mess and a series of recent developments, Bageshwar Dham Sarkar is facing new challenges to deal with. Now, left-liberal cabal has jumped into to make matter worse and we know how good they are at doing it.

Bageshwar Dham Sarkar and dark reality of left-liberal cabal

In the ongoing debate around Dhirendra Krishna Shashtri, he has given a recent statement in which he questioned the media about their stand on Abrahmic demi-gods. Taking on the left-liberal cabal of the media, he sent a strong message that no one ever gives a thought to the to question about the spiritual tactics from another religion.

In his discourse he went on to say that he is ‘Sanatani’ and unlike other fraudsters he is going to answer each and every question raised against him. He denied all allegations against him for not interacting with people from media. He even proclaimed that he will never showcase his spiritual abilities again. Although the scientific adjudication of such practices is a different debate altogether.

But, it’s a well-established fact that the left-liberal cabal has been a master of manipulation. And to fulfill their nasty agendas, they harness the issues related to Sanatan religion and mould them as per their agenda to malign the cultural richness of Sanatani culture. And in the process these cabals are leaving no stone unturned to de-glorify the Hindu religion.

We agree to the fact that, it is right of every individual to raise questions and issues with logic. But in case of Dhirendra Krishna Shashtri, the set of people seeking scientific justification are becoming biased in every way possible.

Left-liberal closes eyes on blind faith in Islam and Christianity 

Christianity as a religion gained prominence in India just because of blind faith. The Christian missionaries have always weaponised blind faith to divide poor Hindus and gain prominence in India. These evil practices of missionaries is dominantly visible in many parts of India. But unfortunately, questioning them is far big a thing for the media as well as politicians with appeasing mentality.

Few months ago, an old video went viral on social media where a Christian evangelical person miraculously saves a girl from her inabilities by just uttering “mera yashu yashu”. It was a big example of blind faith but the left-liberal media had glue on their lips and their scientific reasoning had blurred for the incident. Amrit Sandhu, Harjit Singh, Kanchan Mittal, Raman Hans, Sukhpal Rana and Faris Masih are some of the prominent Christian priests running their propaganda in Punjab. In their Changai Sabha, they call paid people who say that they got benefited from the magic. A complete false show is picturised in front of innocent people.

Similarly, Kamaluddin, Qamar Ali, Qutabuddin and Nasiruddin are some of the Islamic ‘Pirs’ who claim to lift stone with a finger or treat ghost possession with a broomstick. And it is a guarantee that most of you not even have heard of their names leaving aside their controversial attitudes and agendas.

These anti-Hindu and anti-India campaigns of the left-liberal cabal has determined to target only Hindu sentiments and with Dhirendra Shashtri case everything becomes evident and proven.

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