Land encroachers of Haldwani are showing the power of Shaheen Bagh Model

Haldwani Eviction

Haldwani Eviction: Over the years, our ancestors have consistently encouraged us to safeguard Gold and Land for our descendants and for the future. They have always firmly believed that taking good care of these two resources will ensure that our children and grandchildren can enjoy the benefits of them for many years to come in times of need.

Now, assume a peculiar situation. You have some land with all the legal documents, yet find that other people have trespassed upon it. You then get a court ruling in favour of the rightful owner of the land. Yet, the same individuals who have encroached upon your land are disregarding the verdict and refusing to remove their illegal structures. Isn’t it weird?

The Indian Railways is currently facing the same peculiar situation where some individuals have unlawfully encroached upon its lands. They first put up tents, slowly changing them into mud houses and finally constructed brick buildings. It is strange to see that, even after the court ruling in favour of the Indian Railways, these individuals have not only refused to comply with the court’s decision, but are also protesting against it.

Radical Islamist trying to convert Haldwani into Shaheen Bagh

“The High Court judgement came to remove all encroachments on the railway land in Haldwani. There are 4,365 encroachments and we will serve a notice tomorrow (Sunday) through local newspapers. The occupants will be given seven days’ time to shift; after that we will take action,” said Rajendra Singh, Railway PRO, Izzat Nagar.

At the hearing, the state government stated that it had no authority over the property, which belonged to the railways. The railways also argued that no encroacher could present any legal documents to prove their claim on the land. After listening to all the parties involved and considering the case for almost a decade, the Uttarakhand High Court ruled in favour of the railways.

The report claimed Railway officials will have to demolish the houses and other structures built on the 2.2 km strip of railway land which includes 20 mosques and 9 temples.

Earlier this week, thousands of residents from unauthorised colonies took part in a Shaheen Bagh like march to protest the Indian Railways’ plan to demolish their illegally built homes. They argued that the demolition would leave them homeless and some families have been living in these colonies for 40-50 years, with many having been born in their current homes.

At the same time, a petition challenging the order has been brought before the Supreme Court. The court will conduct a hearing on the matter on January 5. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court ordered the High Court to review its decision.

While playing the victim card, the protesters cleverly requested that the government provide them with permanent housing before taking any further action on the demolitions. Additionally, they strategically included women and children in the protest to evoke sympathy.

Haldwani Eviction

As a result, the ploy has been successful. Congress, AIMIM and other members of the left-leaning coalition, such as Ravish Kumar, have offered their backing and are defending the demands of the protesters similarly like Shaheen Bagh.

Also read: For babies may come and babies may go, but Shaheen Bagh goes on forever

Haldwani Eviction: Wrongdoing cannot be justified

‘Many of us have been born in our current homes.’ This is not a valid excuse for living in a place without the proper paperwork for over 40 years. Now, they want the Nainital High Court to overlook this violation of the law and it give them the green pass to stay on encroached lands indefinitely.

Contrary to Yogi Adityanath, Haldwani has not been given the same level of attention by Chief Minister Dhani in terms of taking resolute steps against radical elements. Reports further suggest that the Muslim population in the state has seen a sudden increase in recent years. As a result, with these kind of protests, Haldwani is at risk of becoming another ‘Shaheen Bagh’.

The Uttarakhand state government should take this matter seriously and demand that the Nainital District Magistrate’s request be followed. All licensed weapons should be deposited with the administration before the removal of encroachments commences, to ensure the safety of all parties involved. Any violation of this requirement should be treated with the utmost seriousness and the violators should be held accountable for their actions.

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