Even Pakistan’s Arabian masters are fed up with their pep talks on Kashmir

Gulf nations India

The terrorist nation ‘Pakistan’ has taken continuous recourse to the decade old tactics of playing the victim card in regards to the Kashmir dispute, particularly at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The “overstated Kashmir cause” exemplifies the tendency of the hunger-struck nation to absolve itself of the responsibilities and manipulate the narrative against India. From a vantage point, the tactics of Pakistan not only reveals lack of accountability but a hyperbolized religiously fanatical desire to control the perception, rather than finding a peaceful resolution to the Kashmir-conflict.

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Pakistan has over the years adopted a radical foreign policy of reaching out to the world in general and the gulf in particular with a ‘begging bowl policy’. Supplementary to this, the namesake democracy of Pakistan dances to the tunes of “Mullah General Asim Munir”, who has constantly been trying to sell the ‘Kashmir-cause’ to the OIC and the “oil-rich” gulf nations. But in an unfortunate turn of fate for Pakistan, the two prominent Islamic-states of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have asked Pakistan to stop thinking about the Kashmir issue and befriend India.

The terrorist nation Pakistan is accustomed to ‘crying like a chatbot’ on every platform. Consequently, even the global community is fed up with the repetitive harping of Pakistan over Kashmir. More so, Pakistan that is struggling to feed its own populace has been advocating the ‘cause of unifying the Indian-state of Kashmir’ with Pakistan. Conversely, with the current economic crisis in which the religiously radicalized nation is in, the sympathetic allies of gulf have advised it to forget the Kashmir issue and focus on increasing cooperation with India.

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The development can be seen as a major embarrassment for Pakistan as these countries are close allies of Pakistan. Moreover, Pakistan has always been under the misconception that it can manipulate the global narrative against India on the global platform and win support over the Kashmir issue.

But the move of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates of ‘advising Pakistan’ to stop unnecessarily “crying over” India’s decision to end the special status of Jammu and Kashmir’ is seen as a setback for the Islamic brotherhood of OIC.

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Saudi Arabia is believed to be one of the most influential countries in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The advice coming from such a fellow nation would severely affect the morale of the Pakistani establishment and politicians alike. However, the significance of the statement of the gulf nation gets exemplified by the fact that earlier this month, the Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in his terrified blabber with UAE-based Al-Arabiya indicated towards ‘nukes-implications’ of a prospective war with India.

Earlier, Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Shehbaz Sharif requested for a third-party intervention to settle the ongoing Kashmir conflict with India. He appealed to the ‘oil-rich’ UAE to take part in resolving the dispute, citing their close ties with both India and Pakistan and their potential to play a significant role.

Also read: PM Modi has turned Saudi Arabia into a friend of India and the effect of it is visible now

Gulf nations tired of Pakistan’s rhetoric on Kashmir

On the contrary, the feeding father of Pakistan, especially the two gulf nations, found it appropriate to suggest to Pakistan that it should not forget its reality and focus on the hunger ridden population, rather than dreaming of competing with India. The statement also illustrates the fact that the fellow OIC nations have asked Pakistan to stop interfering in India’s internal affairs, especially Kashmir.

The gulf can be said to have realized the geopolitical significance of India and the media reports suggest that India’s economic ties with Saudi Arabia and the UAE have strengthened over time. India is seeking significant investment from these countries in the Kashmir region. On the other hand, the Gulf nations aim to diversify their economy away from oil and see potential for growth in India.

Further, the presence of business leaders from Saudi Arabia and UAE at a meeting about Kashmir has dealt a blow to Pakistan, which claims the ‘region as disputed territory’. The emerging trend highlights that the Gulf nations have realized the importance of closer ties with India and consequently, they are shying away from Pakistan and its hyper-radicalized Hindu-phobic dream of acquiring Kashmir.

Also read: UAE welcomes India with open arms, and Pakistan has a problem with that too

Moreover, it is also instrumental to note that India has firmly opposed the notion of third-party intervention in the Kashmir issue. Furthermore, India has communicated to the international community that the revocation of Article 370 is a purely internal affair and has advised Pakistan to acknowledge this reality and cease anti-India efforts. In addition, Home Minister Amit Shah has endorsed from the floor of the Parliament that Kashmir is an integral part of India and that Pakistan Occupied Kashmir will eventually return to India.

Despite that, the Pakistani establishment through its puppet politicians have been claiming that the bilateral relationship between the two nations has diminished to the point where a third party must intervene. Nevertheless, India’s stance remains unchanged, and the Gulf nations have reaffirmed their support for India’s position by reprimanding Pakistan for forgetting the Kashmir-cause.

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