Message Yourself WhatsApp Feature: What is the feature and how to use it?

Now you will be able to chat with yourself on WhatsApp, know how to send text with Message Yourself feature

Message Yourself WhatsApp Feature

Message Yourself WhatsApp Feature Thumbnail | Source: 91 Mobile

Users on WhatsApp will now be able to send messages not only to their friends and acquaintances but also to themselves. Using this feature on WhatsApp, it will be convenient to take notes and write such things which we often forget. Although, till now there was no official way to do this, but now the messaging platform WhatsApp has launched a new feature called “Message Yourself” and this feature is also known as WhatsApp self text feature. 

How Can I chat with myself on WhatsApp?

As the name suggests, the Message Yourself feature allows users to have a 1:1 chat with themselves. This feature is really useful for users who want to send themselves notes, plan reminders or update plans. With the new “Message Yourself” WhatsApp feature, users will be able to keep track of their to-do’s, send themselves notes, reminders, shopping lists and more.

Message self chat example

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When will you get Message Yourself WhatsApp Feature?

This facility will be started for both Android and iOS users in a phased manner in the coming months. If you haven’t got this feature yet, it’s going to be available soon. If your WhatsApp auto-update is not enabled for you, go to your App Store and update the app first. After updating to the latest version of the app, follow some steps.

source: WABetainfo

How to send WhatsApp message to myself?

After the app is updated, open your WhatsApp app on the phone. After that, create a new chat. Now you will be able to see your contact at the top of the list. If message yourself WhatsApp feature is still not available, you may have to wait for a few more days for the update to be rolled out to you.

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