Khakee – The Bihar Chapter Review – When the Web Series turns out better than the Book

Khakee – The Bihar Chapter Review

Khakee – The Bihar Chapter Review: Storytelling is an art, and India is blessed to have countless poets, writers, and sages who have penned down some of the finest stories. These stories have all the necessary ingredients to complement Bollywood, which is currently struggling to find refreshing content. However, in the past, there have been several adaptations of books into movies or web series that were terribly awful. The prime example being the TV series Chandrakanta, which failed to live up to the original novel of the same name. Today in this article we are going to review this best web series Khakee: The Bihar Chapter.

But then there are a few directors like Neeraj Pandey who have the capability and talent to even surpass and better the original script and make a legacy for the movie or series. Apparently, with the official adaptation of “Bihar Diaries,” the director has demonstrated that with conviction, the series can enhance the power of the book and connect it directly with the hearts of the people.

Khakee The Bihar Chapter Lead Cast Review – Source: Netflix

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The OTT giant Netflix has been notorious for blatantly pushing its own agenda rather than focusing on its premium job, which is to offer quality content and ENTERTAIN its viewers. But, the platform has finally found the right man to put an end to its miseries and clean its image as a wokeism-inflicted platform.

On November 25th, it began streaming “Khakee: The Bihar Chapter” on its platform. The web series is officially based on the book “Bihar Diaries,” written by IPS Amit Lodha on his chronicles in Bihar.

Also Read: Neeraj Pandey – The shining diamond in the heap of coal that is Bollywood

The web series has revived the horrific time of the Jungle Raj and virtually recreated the same socio-political and cultural environment of the late 1990s and early 2000s. It has, without any malice or political correctness, presented the ugly side of politics and how often politicians become impregnable shields for criminals.

Through the moral and public degradation of Chandan Mehto (Abhinash Tiwary), the web series exposes how divisions were created in the name of casteist atrocities. Furthermore, by exploiting those cracks, aggrieved individuals were led astray down the path of crime.

Khakee The Bihar Chapter Netflix poster | Source: Netflix

The adaptation infuses life into every character

The web series fills all the “understandable voids” in the book. Being an incumbent service officer, the author and IPS officer Amit Lodha faced numerous constraints when penning down stories and certain events. But the web series has done absolute justice to cover those aspects as well.

The book has the inherent limitation that its highs, lows, and emotional junctures are dependent on the connect and visualisation of the reader. While the web series does not allow for that because all of the actors have meticulously imbibed their characters and painted a crystal clear picture, there is no room for ambiguity.

Unlike other series, every actor, right from Karan Tacker playing the role of Amit Lodha to Jatin Sarna as Chawanprash Sahu, all have played a healthy competition, and no character has appeared inferior to others. But there are few actors who stand out in the talent pool of this multi-star cast series.

Source: Netflix

Khakee The Bihar Chapter Honest Review

The series gives a refreshing start to Karan Tacker, a well-known face in TV serials. Plus, the casting of Abhimanyu Singh in a positive role is both different and bold. He plays the narrator of the series and has given many impactful scenes that will be hard to forget.

With the real representation of village life, strong dialogues and titular song “Aiyana Humra Bihar Me” takes the strong writing of the book to a next level in the web series.

The following dialogue is an example of how beautifully the web series has imbibed Biharipaan and Apnapan. Here, personal salutation like “mein” (I) doesn’t work; it’s “hum” (we) that clicks among the people. The term “hum” has love, affection, unity, and power and is as powerful as a bomb, sir.

Overall, the web series is a full-fledged entertainer and a must-watch to understand Bihar, as the state is much more than what is often captured in movies and television shows. It is not the state of Chandan Mahtos, Mohammad Shahabuddins, and other gangsters; rather, it is the Karma Bhoomi of Amit Lodha and others him who wants to reclaim the lost glory of Bihar – the once cradle of Indian civilisation.

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