Diabetes Type 2: Causes, symptoms and diagnosis

Diabetes Type 2

How many of you have been told by medical professionals to upgrade the antibiotic game, because the bacteria you intend to fight have evolved and have probably grown resistant to that antibiotic? This is what Allopathy has done over the years. With the growing awareness regarding this aspect of ‘life-saving therapy’ Allopathy, people have found solace in Integrated medicine. So, tell me what integrated medicines are.

As we told earlier, integrated medicine aims to assimilate the best practice of historically available medical solutions. While many intellectuals may call it pseudoscience and supernatural, the practitioners don’t tend to convert their patients into regular visitors and focus on complete healing. It is integrated medicine, that has made the term ‘reversible’ an acceptable one, in the field of medication and diseases. Earlier, disease or syndrome was either curable or not curable. But, with the inception of integrated medicine, symptoms and diseases have become reversible. To name one such is Type 2 Diabetes.

What is Type-2 Diabetes?

What do we often hear in our Indian households? “Are itna meetha mat khao, sugar hojayega…”

Here, the word sugar is being used for Diabetes. Diabetes is referred to a group of conditions where the body cannot produce or use the produced insulin. Insulin, secreted by the pancreas controls the blood sugar level. In the case of diabetes, the body is unable to get sugar from the blood into the cells, thus resulting in high blood sugar levels.

While Type 1 Diabetes is caused when the body stops producing insulin, a person is said to be suffering from Type 2 Diabetes, when the body is not able to use the produced insulin efficiently.

Type-2 Diabetes is a chronic disorder influenced by diet and other lifestyle factors. There can be multiple factors that trigger Type 2 Diabetes, like a sedentary lifestyle, bad eating habits and being on the higher side of the weighing scale.

Type 2 Diabetes turning into an epidemic, suggests data

In modern times, data and its analysis have become an essential survival tool. One such data suggests that about 37.3 million people in the United States are suffering from Diabetes. Among them, 5-10% have Type 1 Diabetes, whereas 90% of them are suffering from Type 2 Diabetes.

To your surprise, India ranks second after China in the global diabetes epidemic with around 77 million people afflicted with the disease. And for the unversed, Diabetes is one of the largest global health emergencies of the century. With burgers and pizza, it seems that American illnesses have also travelled to India, just like Type 2 Diabetes, which as per the WHO is among the top ten most prevalent diseases in South Asia.

Also read: Allopathy vs Integrated Medicine – The need to revisit traditional medicines

Type 2 Diabetes- A reversible condition

Dr. Kallol Guha, who is working extensively in the field of integrative medicine suggests that the condition can be reversed. For more details, you can click on the link and watch the video.

Coming back to our story, there is no known prevention for Type 1 diabetes, however, type 2 diabetes can be prevented through early steps. For example, managing weight, focusing on a nutrient dense diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding high triglycerides or low HDL cholesterol levels among others. The reason is hidden in the cause. Actually, in type 2 diabetes, the cells are not able to use glucose and it keeps floating in the blood.

This is because glucose channels in the cell membrane get blocked by fat globules, that you accumulate by being obese. The condition further makes the patient resistant to insulin. This can be diagnosed with several things, like constant high blood sugar and dark patches around the neck and armpits. If one is insulin resistant, the body produces more and more insulin to get the blood sugar levels under control.

Insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes may be life threatening, but it is reversible. With the help of integrated medicine, the patient can easily keep the condition under control and reverse it. And all this is possible through lifestyle changes and burning excess fat. So, get up and start moving.

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