Collection of 40 Beyonce quotes and sayings

Beyonce quotes

“If you don’t take the time to think and analyze your life, you will never realize all the points involved.” Love this quote? Well we have a collection of heart touching 40 more quotes and captions by Beyonce here below and we hope that you will like it. Feel free to share these quotes on Instagram and Twitter.

40 Beyonce quotes

Power is not given to you. You must take it.

Take the time to define yourself and your worth. If you’re having trouble doing this, ask yourself: What would I say to someone I love?

A woman is prettier when she smiles.

The more you mature, the more you realize that these flaws make you more beautiful.

Men and women balance each other out and we need to get to a point where we feel comfortable appreciating each other.

I’m done being a pop star. I don’t want to be a sexy girl. I want to be creative. – Beyonce quotes

I felt it was time to prepare for my future, so I set a goal for myself. My goal was independence.

My message behind Beyoncé was to find beauty in imperfection.

If you work hard, everything you want will come to you. I know it’s easier said than done, but keep trying.

Sayings by Beyoncé

If everything is perfect, you will never learn and you will never grow.

Do not try to humiliate yourself for the sake of the world; Let the world reach you

I just try to write songs that people will talk about.

We need to teach our children the rules of equality and respect, so that gender equality as they grow becomes a natural way of life. We must teach our daughters that they can reach the highest humanly possible level. – Beyonce quotes

In my videos, I always want to be a strong woman. It’s my job.

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We all have our purpose, we all have our strength.

Who I am on stage is very, very different from what I am in real life.

Whenever I am confused about something, I ask God to reveal the answers to my questions, and He does.

I don’t feel obligated to please anyone. I feel freedom. I feel like an adult. I am an adult, I can do whatever I want. I can say what I want. I can retire if I want. That’s why I worked so hard.

Captions by Beyoncé

I wanted to be famous for my music and my talent, and I always wished I could stop that by leaving the stage.

Be healthy and take care of yourself but be happy with the beautiful things that make you who you are.

Happiness comes from you. Nobody can make you happy. make yourself happy

Strength means happiness. Strength means hard work and sacrifice.

Don’t try to underestimate the world; Let the world reach you. – Beyonce quotes

The most important thing is to teach not to focus on aesthetics. It’s really who you are, and human, what makes you beautiful.

Do what you were born to do. You just have to trust yourself.

You cannot have the good times without the bad.

If you work hard, everything you want will come to you. I know it’s easier said than done, but keep trying.

Whenever I am confused about something, I ask God to reveal the answers to my questions, and He does.

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Beyonce quotes and captions

Power is not given to you. You must take it.

Being able to travel the world, especially places I never thought I’d go… It’s really, you know, always great to me.

I accept mistakes. They make you who you are.

One of the reasons I went to the Super Bowl is because I treat my shows like I’m an athlete.

The real singer is elegant, talented, strong, fearless, brave and modest.

I wanted to sell a million records and I sold a million records. I wanted to go platinum; I went to platinum. I’ve been working non-stop since I was. I don’t even know how to rest. – Beyonce quotes

The most seductive thing a woman can have is self-confidence.

If you don’t take the time to think and analyze your life, you will never realize all the connecting points.

My focus is my art, and that’s what I like to do. I must be very passionate about doing something. I rejected a lot of things I didn’t believe in.

I love my job, but it’s more than that: I need it.

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