Global leftists swoop down on Amnesty International for merely blurting out the truth

It seems that leftists are the antithesis of truth. They hate anyone and everyone who speaks raw facts and gives a true perspective of any event. These leftists have an abhorrent way of thinking called the ‘cancel culture’. A slight deviation from their concocted stories is an unpardonable crime for them. They cancel all the achievements of their naysayers and start questioning their mere existence. Ironically, the latest victim of their ‘cancel culture’ is none other than Amnesty International, a Human Rights group which was very recently the darling of the same global leftist cabal.

The truth is out: Ukraine is committing war crimes

It is said that Truth is the first victim of any war. In the fog of war, all sides try to fan their narrative and present the other as the oppressor. However, in the Russia-Ukraine war, the balance of the narrative always tilted against the Russian side.

Even after its cautious and strategic attacks on the military targets of Ukraine, the Russian army was accused of committing war crimes. Ukraine was presented as a hapless nation which had nothing evil against its rival, all courtesy of the hegemony of American BigTech.

Also Read: Aakar Patel: The man behind Amnesty International India and its anti-India propaganda

But as they say, truth has a habit of coming out. Ukraine’s war crimes are slowly coming out in the open. Its shameless tactics of using civilians as cannon fodder have been exposed thoroughly by Amnesty International.

On 4th August, the human rights organisation, Amnesty International issued a report titled “Ukraine: Ukrainian fighting tactics endanger civilians”. The report accused the Ukrainian military of stationing its troops and artillery near hospitals, schools and residential buildings. Evidently, all these evil tactics amount to war crimes.

The international organisation prepared this extensive report after spending two months in Ukraine. It interviewed common Ukrainians and collected physical evidence showing the war crimes of Ukraine.

The report stated, “Viable alternatives were available that would not endanger civilians – such as military bases or densely wooded areas nearby, or other structures further away from residential areas”.

Shameful attempt to bury the Truth

Several dirty tricks were played to bury this rare fact-based report of Amnesty International. The Ukrainian arm of the international group, Amnesty Ukraine tried to prevent the report from becoming public. It did everything possible to keep the facade of falsehoods that kept Ukraine on moral high ground.

Oksana Pokalchuk, Amnesty Ukraine’s leader wrote, “We did everything we could to prevent this report from going public”. She made this brazen statement on Facebook.

Also Read: Amnesty International – Why the ‘top humanitarian organisation’ of the world is being kicked out of one country after another

Amnesty Ukraine’s statement reads, “Every single member of Amnesty’s Ukraine office knows that only the Russian Federation bears responsibility for the crime of aggression against Ukraine, not the least of which because several of our colleagues had to leave everything behind to save themselves and their families”.

Usual Denial from Ukraine government officials

Ukraine Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Maliar said that Ukraine “regularly conducts evacuations of civilians from conflict areas.” Thousands can’t or won’t flee some of the towns along the front.

One top adviser to Ukraine’s president even accused the human rights group of being Russian propagandists fostering disinformation.

In a televised video, Ukraine’s foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba said, “Please stop creating a false reality where everybody is equally to blame [for the war]”.

Also Read: Amnesty India has been proved to be a “Breaking India” organisation by ED

However, the report’s author, Donatella Rovera exposed all these brazen attempts to deny the truth. She said, “I think the level of self-censorship on this issue has been pretty extraordinary”. As a matter of fact, public sentiment in Ukraine is such that it can’t withstand slight criticism of the Ukrainian military.

Even after doing everything possible in the interest of Ukraine and blocking the report from coming out, Oksana Pokalchuk was tagged as a “participant in acts of humanitarian aggression in Ukraine” and “guilty of denying Ukraine’s right to defend itself” by a Ukrainian website. Apparently, one of the website’s founders is a high-ranking official in Ukraine’s foreign ministry. The official manages relationships with foreign journalists.

However, knowledge of Ukraine committing war crimes is not a new revelation. Several independent journalists too have witnessed evidence of the Ukrainian military using civilians as shields. They deploy their heavy weaponry in residential areas so as to later play the victim card of Russian might.

This factual report of Amnesty International has invited the wrath of the global leftist coterie. They can’t allow their facade to fall and still want to fire bullets on Russia from the Ukrainian shoulder. They are finding it hard to digest the truth blurted out by their own loyal organisation. However, they should shun this petty tactic of cancelling culture, as it has crossed all limits and is now coming back to bite it. Today Amnesty International is feeling the heat for blurting out the truth, at some point in time, all leftists will cancel each other out like mad mongrels and make each other’s life a living hell.


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