Dear Mahua Moitra, if you’re evicted from TMC, please blame Brahminism for that too

Mahua Moitra TMC

In India, Brahmins have always been under the limelight. However, some left-liberal cabals are now using them as a step on the ladder to grab power in the political arena. This time, it’s Mahua Moitra, whose own party TMC has left her orphaned. That is why she chose Brahmins as her last resort.

TMC MP blaming BJP, when asked about “Kaali”

Recently, Mahua Moitra commented on the newly released controversial poster of a film titled “Kaali”. In the aftermath of her remarks, she rebuked the BJP by tweeting, “I do not want to live in an India where BJP’s monolithic patriarchal brahminical view of Hinduism will prevail and the rest of us will tiptoe around religion. I will defend this till I die. File your FIRs – will see you in every court in the land. I challenge the BJP anywhere in the country to prove anything that I said is wrong.”

Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader, Mahua Moitra, has been charged with hurting religious sentiments. The controversy flared up when she remarked that she has every right as “an individual to imagine Goddess Kaali as a meat-eating and alcohol accepting goddess”.

However, the TMC has declined having any connection with Moitra’s remarks. Senior TMC leader Kunal Ghosh said, “The party doesn’t endorse the comments made by Mahua Moitra.” He also clarified that the party doesn’t support the portrayal of Maa Kali in “bad taste in pictures or posters”.

Responding to the complaints filed by the BJP, the TMC leader spoke that she is a worshipper of Maa Kali. While challenging the saffron party, she said that she is not afraid of anything. “Not your goons. Not your police. And most certainly not your trolls. Truth doesn’t need back up forces.”

The trend for blaming “Brahminism”

A child learns his or her moral lessons from people around them. Provably, this time Mahua Moitra is the kid, following the trend of “blessing” Brahmins with a blame game. It has been rhetoric to blame Brahminism for everything. Apparently, as per the left-liberal cabals, Brahminism is the sole reason for every mishappening on the planet. Ranging from any bombardment to the increasing rape culture, every bit of problem arises due to Brahmanism.

Unfortunately, the most rooted culture, most peaceful community, and most religious setup is being blamed for the reason that it never reflected. Continuous attempts are being made to doom the culture that bears every injustice without flinching.

In 2018, a controversy erupted when Jack Dorsey visited India and met various women journalists. He found a placard calling to “Stop Brahminical Patriarchy”. It was an attempt by the left-wingers to instigate hate against Brahmins. Another incident highlights a poster with “Smash Brahmanism patriarchy” held by a bunch of Hindu haters. Yet again, the left cabals tried to derail the pious Sanatan followers.

Interestingly, original scholars from all across the globe have acknowledged the fact that the Hindu Civilization, or the Indus-Valley civilization, was the most vibrant and scientific civilization that has ever emerged on earth. The Hindu Civilization emerged with science and Spirituality as its prime pillars. And thus, the formation of Vedas came into being. The actuality of the Vedas was to enlighten philosophical knowledge. However, the hatemongers turned this narrative into “Brahminical Patriarchy” for their benefit.

An establishment of new Brahmanism

Throughout history, Brahmins have been at the receiving end of hatred, violence, and misrepresentation. Brahmins faced institutional or societal persecution in Tamil Nadu as well as other Indian states. Students living the satvic way of life are mocked at schools and colleges. They face discrimination in job opportunities and are incessantly down shadowed by other identity groups in every walk of life.

More recently, during farmer protests, Rakesh Tikait insulted Hindus. He tried to outrage Brahmins by saying that “they can go on pilgrimages but cannot organize food for us”. He further gave threats that “everyone will be made to pay”, which was a Marxist call for reparations.

It is evident now that it’s not just TMC leader Mahua Moitra who tried to insult Brahmins for irrelevant reasons, but there has been a history of it. Her remarks can be considered an attempt by her to sustain herself amid her existential crisis. She is trying a new formula that is not likely to fructify in reality.

It’s time for the left-liberal cabal to understand that their portrayal of Brahminical patriarchy cannot result in them getting what they percieve as Patriarchal power.


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