NCP’s Islamic Hanuman Jayanti is an abomination

The sanctity of Hinduism is being systematically mocked and demeaned by the Hinduphobic people. Every tool of propaganda is being used to discredit and ‘secularise’ the millenial-old Sanatan Dharma. With the help of Islamists, Christan missionaries and ‘Hindu Seculars’, a coordinated and organised attack has been launched against every Hindu identity.

Of recent, on April 16, 2022, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) organised an Iftaar Party for Muslims in front of the Hanuman Mandir in Pune. Ravindra Malvadkar of NCP further claimed that every year they organised a party for Muslims. He further claimed that even on the Ganpati festival, instead of Modak we offer dates to Ganpati as during the festival Muslims celebrate their Ramzan.

NCP organises Hanuman Jayanti and Iftaar Party after MNS recites Hanuman Chalisa

In an effort to secularise Hinduism, they have indulged in sacrilege of the Hindu religion. In the name of promoting Hindu-Muslim unity, they are destroying the holiness of the Hindu places of worship. They are doing nothing but copying Raj Thackeray who is garnering support across the state.

As in Hinduism, every god or deity has different rituals and worship practices. The uniqueness in the practice of every deity comes from its centuries-old historical incidents. And any change in the pattern of adoration of the deity is not allowed by any Hindus themselves.

But, without an understanding of the ritual and uniqueness of the sacred temple, the name ‘secularism’ is not only insulting to the unique revering practice of the deity but also is a crime in the eyes of law.

Section 295A of the Indian Penal Code prohibits any kind of insults or attempts to insult the religious belief of any class. Further, it provides for a three-year jail term, or fine, or both in case of the violations.

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Coordinated effort to discredit Hindu identity 

Every religious identity of Hindus is being targeted in a systematic and coordinated manner. Be it Holi, Diwali, Dussehra, Chhath Puja, Janmashtmi, Ramanavmi and now even Hanuman Jayanti is being targeted. On Holi – for water, on Diwali – for pollution, and even chanting of ‘Jai Shree Ram’ has been turned into a war cry.

Recently a fourth standard girl was beaten by an Islamist teacher in Jammu for wearing Tilak on her forehead. In another incident in Tamil Nadu Government school, a sixth standard girl was told to read the Bible as Bhagawad Gita is bad, according to the Christian teacher.  Such incidents, when left unreported and unchecked, give free space to such anti-social elements to commit their anti-social acts without hesitation.

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Indian Secularism is Anti-Hindu

The Indian state is by its very foundations, anti-Hindu. Every state’s machinery has been organised to stop the progress of the Hindu religion. Be it social, political, economic or religious, on every front only Hinduism is being targeted. They are controlling the finances of the Hindu Mandirs and redistributing it to their ‘secular subjects’.

To show their own definition of secularism, they are organising the Iftaar Party in Hindu Mandir. Why don’t they organise Hanuman Chalisa in Muslim Mosques?

Further, every religious practice like fast and special rituals of worshipping is being targeted for their ‘backwardness’.

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The NCP’s act of hosting the Iftaar Party is another effort to demean Hindus and Hinduism. Their tool of secularism to dishonour the Dharma should be objected on every front. And every follower of the Sanatan Dharma should protest against every attempt to destroy the religion. Moreover, to counter their propaganda, every Hindu identity should be adopted in the daily life of Hindus.

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