Best 40 Intimacy quotes to help you understand love

best intimacy quote

If fear is intimacy’s worst foe, love is its true ally. True closeness is only possible if we can be open and honest about our actions and feelings. The following 40 quotes will help you understand intimacy better and enjoy an intimate relationship. Please feel free to share this quotes with your someone special.

Best 40 Intimacy Quotes

Nobody has ever been to a location in your heart. Please take me there.

It’s all about the truth when it comes to intimacy. Intimacy is when you discover you can tell someone your true feelings, when you can show yourself to them, when you stand in front of them and they say, “You’re safe with me.”

Let’s meet tonight in our dreams.

There are no chance encounters between souls.

It’s not about who you allow to touch you when it comes to intimacy. Intimacy is the person you text about your dreams and anxieties at 3 a.m. Giving someone your undivided attention when ten other people are clamoring for it is intimacy. No matter how distracted you are, intimacy is the person who is constantly at the back of your thoughts. – best intimacy quotes

I’m a sucker for affection. It has nothing to do with sex. I long for someone to cuddle up to me and rest their head on my lap. Kisses, holding hands, and running my thumb across theirs are all things I crave. Simply gazing at someone and thinking to yourself, “How did I become so lucky?”

I was given a smile. Laugh with a friend.

Feel secure. You have the feeling that someone is truly interested in you. That’s what we’re looking for.

Intimacy isn’t just about the physical. It’s when you have such a strong connection with someone that you feel as if you can see into their soul.

It’s a different kind of intimacy to have someone understand your thoughts.

A female is happiest when she knows you give her everything, every time, in front of everyone.

Understanding entails a great deal of intimacy. Because they don’t know who you are, someone who doesn’t comprehend you won’t know how to love you. – best intimacy quotes

You don’t fall in love with a body, but rather with a soul. And when you fall in love with a soul, everything about your body becomes lovely.

Intimacy is a profound bond of knowing, not only a physical bond.

Saying about Love

First and foremost, you should know that I am not you. After that, a lot more will make sense.

Intimacy isn’t limited to the physical realm. It’s a sense of belonging more than proximity that makes you feel close. It’s a lovely emotional zone where two people become one.

It’s not all about sex; sometimes the best form of intimacy is simply laying back together, laughing at the silliest things, holding each other, and enjoying each other’s presence.

She treasures small moments of intimacy. A hand reaching out for her, a head resting against a shoulder, lips brushing across a nose, a kiss on the neck.

You touching my mind and turning my body on fire is chemistry.

I’ve looked at you in a million different ways and loved you in each one.

I yearn for you in your most innocent state. When you’re at your worst, I want to say goodbye and kiss your forehead and tell you that I adore you. I crave you in ways that make me want to be right next to you and nothing else. – best intimacy quotes

Distance is bad enough, but not having you in my life would be even worse.

When you can’t sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams, you know you’re in love.

If only you knew how much those little encounters with you meant to me.

They quickly fell into an intimacy from which they never awoke.

The effort will be equal if the feelings are mutual.

Intimacy is the ability to be a little strange with someone and realize that they don’t mind.

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Best intimacy Quotes

She’s been to hell and back and emerged as an angel. Darling, you didn’t break her. That type of power is not yours.

Cuddle me if you’re a hardcore.

I’m looking for an intimacy that ignites a flame in my soul rather than one that involves a touch of a hand.

Take a lover who looks at you as if you’re a supernatural being.

Passion is a form of energy. Feel the strength that comes from focusing on your passions.

Successful people are irrationally enthusiastic about something.

And then there was you, right in the thick of it all.

I wish I knew how to describe your eyes and how the sound of your voice makes my stomach flutter. How your grin makes my heart skip a beat and how I always feel complete when I’m with you. – best intimacy quotes

I waited my entire life for you, and you were well worth the wait.

Every cell in my body is telling me that you are the one who would provide me happiness for the rest of my life.

I adore you, not only for who you are, but also for who I am when you’re around.

May you find love with someone who would never tire of rescuing you from your own mess.

Inside your hug is my favorite location.

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