‘Veera Vanakkam,’ People of Tamil Nadu bid a heart-rending goodbye to CDS Gen Bipin Rawat

Bipin Rawat, CDS, Tamil Nadu

Ever since Chief of Defence Staff Shri Bipin Rawat Ji died in a helicopter crash along with his wife and 11 others, emotions have been pouring across the country. While the public rightfully called out the fundamentalists and liberals celebrating the death of the CDS, some heartening visuals from Tamil Nadu have indeed restored faith in the people of this majestic nation called ‘Bharat’.

Reportedly, locals in Coimbatore gathered around in large numbers, both sides across the streets with folded hands and showered flower petals on vehicles carrying the mortal remains of CDS Bipin Rawat and other security officials.

Veer Vanakkam — a touching tribute to late CDS Bipin Rawat:

The gesture was made even heart-rending after some of the locales were seen shedding tears while others, trying to control their emotions and choked voices, raised the slogan ‘veera vanakkam’, which translates to ‘salute to the brave hearts’.

In a video, shared by news agency ANI, hundreds of locals could be seen, patiently waiting in line to pay their last tribute to the brave hearts.

The aforementioned videos encapsulate the beauty of India. CDS Bipin Rawat talked about the 2.5 front war with Pakistan, China, and the internal enemies.

Read More: Pakistan tried to stoke Tamil separatism by blaming them for the CDS Chopper crash

The public believes in the armed forces:

However, the 0.5 front is still no match for the public which has cried its hearts out for an individual that gave over four decades of his life, securing the borders of India from enemies.

The internal enemies are no match for a public that still believes and invests its emotions in the armed forces of the country, contrary to what the liberals and the mainstream media would like one to accept.

State mourning declared in Shri Rawat ji’s home state:

The Uttarakhand government on Thursday declared the state mourning from December 9 to 12. The general belonged to the Saina village of Pauri district in the state. Reportedly, he was planning to build a retirement home in his home state to stay close to his roots.

Read More: All those who celebrated CDS Gen Bipin Rawat and wife’s tragic demise

Bipin Singh Rawat, 63, took charge as India’s first CDS in January 2019. The position was set up with the aim of integrating the three services — the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force — and he was an automatic and obvious choice, while the liberals cried hoarse.

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