Wokeism is anti-evolution

Woke, Homo Sapiens, Evolution

Several thousand years ago, different species of humans roamed the face of the earth. Home erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo floresiensis and Homo Sapiens to name a few. Only the last one survived and is now known as the modern human. However, its time on earth, a minuscule blip on the cosmic calendar is heading toward a premature ending, thanks to the emergence of another species named “Woke Sapiens”. 

Few understand that we humans are not the first inhabitants of the planet. However, our evolution and ability to better ourselves made us dominate other species. Eventually, we placed ourselves on the top of the food chain, dominating the animal kingdom with impunity. Thus, without quoting one Darwin, evolution forms the bedrock of our existence. 

Woke Sapiens threaten to undo tenets of evolution 

Exaggeration is not our strong suit but the apocalyptic ambitions of the woke brigade of the world threaten to undo the basic tenets of the theory of evolution. The slightest alteration in our genes has made us go from walking on four limbs to sending humans to Moon. Thus when we talk of evolution, we come to a standstill when the wokes twist the gender discussion. 

Co-existence has been the cornerstone of Homo sapiens and barring a few religious and archaic beliefs, the LGBTQ community is still an important member of the Homo sapiens community on the planet. However, a majority of the ‘rainbow gender’ tends to be extremely hostile to the concept of heterosexuality that has driven the evolution of chariot for thousands of years. ‘

Heterosexuality is presented as vile, the institution of marriage as unnatural and birthing an abomination. If the world was to run as per them, heterosexuality would be banned. Females will be happy with female partners, males with males, transgenders with both, and asexuals with no one. As a result of which, a basic process called reproduction will cease to exist. 

Read More: Leftists’ agenda of a woke takeover of NCERT failed so now they are alleging Transphobia

Woke Sapien – a walking paradox 

Woke Sapien and its evolution has made it deaf, dismissive, and truncated to different and varied schools of thought other than theirs. It’s a simple template. If one does not agree with the thought process of the woke brigade it invariably means that the individual is an enabler of fascism, out in the streets to conduct a genocide of the rainbow community. Or more importantly, the said individual is a brainwashed product of the capitalistic culture.  

It’s pertinent to note that in a post-globalized world, the woke community has been the biggest champion of free speech, free market, and free will. And yet, one dare digresses from their point of view, hell hath no fury like a ‘woke’ scorned. 

Moreover, the woke agenda has roughly been limited to two planks – gender, as we discussed above and secondly, race. Woke Sapiens and their outlook towards race is simply anti-majoritarianism. Call Whites the aggressors in North America and Europe and upper-caste Hindus the aggressors in India. And remain tight-lipped about Muslims in Islamic countries. 

There is a popular conspiracy theory that Homo Sapiens conducted a mass genocide of other sapiens and that’s why we have little to no knowledge about our past siblings who looked eerily alike to us. Similarly, if the Woke sapiens continue to grow in numbers at the current pace, evolution will come to a standstill, and eventually, it will lead to the extermination of us, the Homo Sapiens as a species.

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