Mahindra’s name in the “Dismantling Global Hindutva conference” is shocking and truly unbelievable

‘Dismantling Global Hindutva conference’ a 3-day conference cosponsored by 60 plus Departments or Centers from 45 plus Universities mostly from the USA has been at the centre of controversy for the last few weeks. Hindumisic elements globally are trying to fuel this conference as a tipping point to launch a full scale attack on the current nationalist government of the country and in turn, the Hindus. However, a peculiar development has emerged amid the kerfuffle and it is the emergence of Anand Mahindra – chief of Mahindra Group and his connection to the Hindumisia conference.

Reportedly, the website of the controversial event lists Harvard University’s Mahindra Humanities Centre as one of the co-sponsors of the event. In 2010, Anand Mahindra had donated $10 million to set up the Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard, which was the largest gift for the humanities department in Harvard’s history.

Mahindra had inaugurated the centre

According to a report in Harvard magazine, explaining his $10-million gift to endow Harvard’s humanities center, Mahindra had remarked, “I need hardly clarify that if I stand here before you today, it is from a deep desire to repay this extraordinary act of liberalism and generosity by this University so many years ago.”

The University stated that the renamed Mahindra Humanities Center (MHC) honors Mahindra’s mother, Indira Mahindra, whom he called “directly responsible” for his commitment for the humanities. “She had a passion for life and all its offerings, and I think that was greatly responsible for the success I have enjoyed,” he declared. “So welcome, mother, wherever you are, to Harvard, because you belong here as much as my father or I or your grandchildren who went here.”

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Anand Mahindra – the good Samaritan?

Anand Mahindra has become ever so popular for his Good Samaritan image on the social media platforms for spreading positivity and optimism. He recently even gifted India’s Olympic Gold medallist Neeraj Chopra an XUV 700, as a token of appreciation for bringing laurels for the country. Thus, it comes as a surprise that an institution funded by Mahindra can engage in such an uncouth event that seeks to target Hindus.

The Indian connection in the Hindumisia conference

Moreover, as the dates of the event draw closer, a netizen named Vijay Patel has exposed the Indian connection behind the event which just so appears to have been masterminded by an Indian husband-wife duo and their son.

According to Vijay’s sources, Ania Loomba her husband Suvir Kaul, and their son Tariq Thachil are the mastermind of this propaganda. They all belong to the University of Pennsylvania. In 2013 Ania and her husband had stopped Indian PM Narendra Modi from speaking in the India Economic Forum organized by The Wharton School of University Of Pennsylvania. Hence, even before PM Modi took charge of the country, the family had a particular hatred for him.

Loomba’s father was a fulltime trade unionist and a member of the communist party. Thus, it can be ascertained that she is a communist or in popular parlance, an Urban naxal. Vijay in his neatly dissected twitter thread further revealed that Loomba’s husband Suvir Kaul is also a professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

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Their son Tariq Thachil is Director of the Center for the Advanced Study of India (CASI) at the same university where his parents are working. All three are Hindumisia hardcore communists and are extremely active in anti-India agendas. They are connected with all top communist politicians, agenda journalists, and communist professors of universities across India.

Another Mahindra connection

The International advisory board of the Center for the Advanced Study of India (CASI) where Tariq Thachil is the director has several prominent Indian names in the list. While at first, the name of Anand Mahindra in the controversy could have been a coincidence as few rotten elements of the institution might have gone over the faculty’s head and announced their allegiance to the event but a close look at CASI list of Indian Honorary life members indicates that it might not be a coincidence.

Keshubhai Mahindra — the chairman emeritus of the Mahindra Group is the honorary member of CASI. He retired as chairman of Mahindra Group in August 2012 after heading the company for nearly five decades, handing over the position to his nephew, Anand Mahindra.

The entire event is a big farce that attempts to compare Hindus and Nazis in the same breath. The declaration of war against Hindus has moved on from feature-length op-eds in auxiliary publications to a full-fledged mass campaign. However, the only surprise is the Anand Mahindra connection and one hopes that the Mahindra chief clears the air regarding his involvement in the organization of the event.

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