The virus is not Chinese, but the variant is definitely Indian and is also a health risk, CCP slave WHO declares

WHO, India, China, coronavirus

World Health Organisation (WHO), the criminally incompetent body that has to share the biggest blame after China for the coronavirus pandemic, has named the Indian strain of the virus as a ‘variant of concern’.

For WHO, which did not even agree to name coronavirus as a Chinese virus and criticised the head of states like Donald Trump for doing so, the variants that originate from different countries like the United Kingdom, South Africa, and India are the cause of concern, but not the Chinese virus itself.

“There is some available information to suggest increased transmissibility of the B.1.617,” Maria Van Kerkove, the WHO’s lead on Covid-19, told reporters, while also pointing to early studies “suggesting that there is some reduced neutralisation”.

“As such we are classifying this as a variant of concern at the global level,” she said, adding that more details would be provided in the WHO’s weekly epidemiological update on Tuesday.

Under the leadership of Tedros Adhanom, Director-general of the WHO, the organisation has emerged as the best ally of China and has ensured that the accountability of the spread of the virus that killed millions of people and brought unprecedented tragedy to countries around the world, does not fall on Xi Jinping and Chinese Communist Party.

WHO somehow feels that namecalling different variants of a virus that is continuously mutating and has probably lakhs of variants are more important than the fact that it probably spread from a Chinese lab. Instead of investigating the role of Chinese authorities over the spread of the pandemic, and dealing with the larger question of whether it is a bioweapon by China, the organisation is busy naming the variants.

The incompetency of the WHO, right from the beginning of the pandemic, has already destroyed its reputation. By being tough on China, it could have salvaged it but it chose to work as an extension of the Chinese Communist Party.

The WHO knew about the human to human transmission of the virus right from the beginning but it misled the world with its infamous tweet on January 14 last year that there is no human to human transmission of the virus.

Later Maria Van Kerkhove, an American infectious disease epidemiologist, who is based in the health emergency program of WHO, also revealed that the organisation knew right from the beginning that human-to-human transmission of the virus was possible.

“Right from the start, from the first notification we received on the 31st of December, given that this was a cluster of pneumonia — I’m a MERS specialist, so my background is in coronaviruses and influenza — so immediately thought, given that this is a respiratory pathogen, that of course there may be human-to-human transmission,” Dr Maria Van Kerkhove said in a press briefing.

WHO’s role has been highly suspicious throughout the Coronavirus outbreak and the organisation came out as criminally corrupt and incompetent. With its criminal complacency in the Coronavirus outbreak, the organisation has probably taken more lives than it saved in its entire existence.

When India, the USA and some other countries put travel bans on China, the WHO criticised the ban and advised against the travel restrictions. The European Union relied on the WHO’s wisdom and didn’t restrict travel to and from China and soon became the epicentre of the Wuhan virus last year.

The lethargic bureaucracy at WHO, which spends more money on travel than the distribution of equipment to the needy, has failed humanity, which it vowed to protect. To serve the Chinese interests, the organisation has risked the lives of billions of people, and many casualties have already been reported world over. The organisation should be banned right at the moment, as so far, it has done more harm than good in the fight against coronavirus.

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