The answer to Rahul Gandhi’s question about PM Modi’s China policy is visible in the swift retreat of the Chinese Army from Pangong Tso

PM Modi, Rahul Gandhi, Indian Army

Ever since the Galwan valley incident occurred in the Eastern Ladakh region of the country near LAC, Congress scion Rahul Gandhi has tried to muddle the delicate issue for political gains. The party prince, whose entire political career has been limited to the echo chambers of social media, left no opportunity to target the Indian government by iterating that the Chinese had come thousands of miles inside the Indian borders. Despite the Indian Army repeatedly refuting such allegations, Rahul Gandhi went overboard in his daft allegations and tried to smear PM Modi on his China policy.

However, all those rumours have been put to bed as the Chinese troops continue to disengage from the Pangong Tso region. Video footage and photos released by the Indian Army show the PLA troops hurriedly evacuating their positions and going inside their territories. The first phase of the disengagement was announced last week during the 9th round of Corps Commanders talks held at Moldo border point on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh. So far over 150 Chinese tanks and nearly 5,000 Chinese PLA soldiers have gone back.

The charade of Rahul Gandhi has been actively dismantled with the Indian Army releasing the footage. The Congress prince is now silent on the issue and has not issued any statements regarding the disengagement process.

Rahul Gandhi is trying hard to find his political footing in the extremely competitive environment where BJP and the Modi juggernaut has practically steamrolled Congress and Rahul’s ambitions. Thus, the incessant need to question the integrity of the Army, whether it be the surgical strikes or the events in the Galwan valley.

“China is expanding its occupation into Indian territory. Mr 56” hasn’t said the word ‘China’ for months. Maybe he can start by saying the word ‘China’.” tweeted Rahul Gandhi in January.

Similarly, when the situation was relatively fresh at the border last year, Rahul Gandhi quoting a Wire article made some serious accusations.

“The Chinese have walked in and taken our territory in Ladakh. Meanwhile The PM is absolutely silent and has vanished from the scene.” tweeted Rahul Gandhi back in the day.

Rahul Gandhi’s antics reached a crescendo last month when during a rally in Erode, Tamil Nadu, the Congress leader said that the workers, farmers, and labourers in the country are being neglected at the expense of five-six business houses and claimed that the Indian labourers could replace the security personnel at the Indo-China border.

‘You are using the Indian Army and Navy to protect India from China. If you use India’s farmers, labourers and workers, you will not need the Army, Navy and Airforce at the borders,’ said Rahul Gandhi while interacting with the weavers’ community in Erode.

The context behind might have been different and being the naïve guy Rahul Gandhi is, the benefit of the doubt can be given to him that his statements were taken out of context. However, the undercurrents of his statement still prove that for him Indian Army is a disposable political tool that can be used or thrown away as per convenience.

Rahul Gandhi needs to understand that military strategies sometimes need not come out in the public domain for obvious reasons. By constantly espousing lies in favour of China, he is doing an immense disservice to the nation and of course to his part-time job as a politician. Hopefully, sense prevails in the Gandhi clan, and the party leader finds a new way to go about his political career rather than disparaging the Indian Army and the Modi government.

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