‘Will PM Modi return 30 Cr?’ Left-liberals have a glorious meltdown as Modi Govt bans Chinese Apps

chinese apps india

(PC: Naukri Nama)

The Union Government, on Monday night, banned 59 Chinese apps including TikTok. The writing on the wall was imminent but the Chinese misadventures in the Galwan valley only expedited the process and the government has thrown in the kitchen sink on Chinese dreams of creating a digital silk route, especially in the Indian context. Of late, TikTok had come under the scanner for streaming videos that promoted rape, violence, animal abuse, sexual abuse in addition to compromising the user’s data by allegedly sharing it with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) back in mainland China.

The government said these Chinese apps were engaged in activities that were prejudicial to the sovereignty, integrity and defence of India.

The moment the news burst out in the social media platforms, reactions started pouring in which were mostly unequivocally supporting the decision. However, we live in the great nation of India and liberals of the country have a problem with every decision that government undertakes and especially when the government is led by PM Modi. The rotten apples of Indian media indeed came out and showed their true colors.

Even those who had a massive following on the app were supportive of government’s decision. A TikTok star named Rita Kishanchandani who has about 5 million followers on the Chinese app iterated that she supported the decision whole-heartedly.

However, the usual suspects like Vijaita Singh, Tavleen Singh, Ashok Swain and numerous others from the left-liberal cabal came out and started drawing atrocious and really painful to comprehend analogies which ever so slightly have showed their allegiances to China which otherwise would have been questioned if they did not outrage.

Vijaita Singh asked if PM Cares could return the money to TikTok. The netizens in her reply to the tweet slammed her left, right and centre.

Youth Congress showing that it is the same party which is still grooming its 51 year old youngster Rahul Gandhi.

Serial RTI petitioner and an Afzal Guru sympathizer, Prashant Bhushan was visibly hurt by Indian Government’s decision to protect its countrymen’s data from being usurped by the Chinese. Not surprisingly, he went on a full rant mode.

Bhushan was indeed hurt and the barrage of tweets proved that for India, its biggest enemies are comfortably tucked in the country, not at the border.

Soon enough, Prashant Bhushan was schooled by the netizens for his infamous hypocrisy and general lack of awareness.


Mr. Ashok Swain is a professor and he has majored in Modi hatred. If he doesn’t know the reason why TikTok was banned in India then we will be willing to teach him line by line, the reason for it.


It felt like the foul-mouthed Ms. Alka Lamba had herself donated some sum in the 30 crore donation by Tik Tok—the only reason she could have been pretty upset about the whole shindig.

The Indian National Congress Party has to display its inanity to show that only Rahul Gandhi is the sharpest tool in the shed. Jaiveer Shergill would have been at the forefront if it was an Aarogya Setu App or Aadhar for that matter. No worry for user’s privacy in this matter. Selective outrage in its finest glory.

Propaganda writer on the payrolls of Chinese and its relatives, the Congress party, Tavleen Singh came up with a sarcastic tweet that only showed that age was indeed slowing down the braincells.

Another cabal journalist asked if PM Cares could return the 30 crore donation given by Tik Tok.

Some liberals had a problem with ‘Statue of Unity’ and we have to admit not the finest performance from the left on this occasion.


Netizens were quick to jump on and smash these ‘neutral’ journalists for masquerading as CCP stooges.

The concern that ByteDance and its CEO Zhang Yiming are thick as thieves with the CCP stems from the fact that a Chinese intelligence law requires companies like ByteDance to cooperate with the Chinese government when it comes to spying or matters of national security.

“All organizations and citizens shall, in accordance with the law, support, cooperate with, and collaborate in national intelligence work, and guard the secrecy of national intelligence work they are aware of.” the Article 6 of China’s 2017 National Intelligence Law states.

The move to ban these Chinese apps move will “safeguard the interests of crores of Indian mobile and internet users”. This decision is a targeted move to ensure safety and sovereignty of Indian cyberspace. Meanwhile, the cabal has turned a blind eye to this entire argument and they are worried that the commission from the Chinese will be put on hold.

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