It’s time for India to take a very clear stand on Coronavirus, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Tibet

India china taiwan tibet hong kong

As India and China are at the brink of a full blown military conflict, it has become amply clear that China’s blind expansionist policy will never allow peace between the two countries. China expectedly is maintaining a stoic silence and is not revealing its body count, but according to various reports, while India has lost 20 of its brave hearts, China has lost over 40 of its soldiers in the fresh escalation between the two countries.

The Chinese Communist Party doesn’t care for anyone except Xi Jinping and his lackeys which has yet again proven over its refusal to accept the casualties of its own soldiers. While it is a given that India will respond to China’s provocation, the time has come for the Indian government to shed its niceties and adopt a strong anti-China stance on the Wuhan coronavirus, Hong Kong, Tibet, and Taiwan.

“They died while killing India’s enemies” said Prime Minister Modi in a stern message to China during the PM-CM meet to discuss the China made pandemic. He further added, “We will give a befitting response when provoked. The sacrifice of our Jawans will not go in vain,” said the Prime Minister. Such strong words were used by PM Modi before the Balakot airstrikes last year. It is a given that the Indian Army will not take Chinese provocation lying down. The time has now come to beat the Chinese in their own game by taking the fight in their own backyard.

At a time when the US, UK and Australia are leading the way to punish China for unleashing a pandemic on the world, India has chosen to remain a silent player. While India has certainly not sided with China, it has chosen to be a follower and was also a signatory on the watered down European Union led proposal seeking to conduct a probe into the WHO and China’s handling of the virus.

While the likes of Australia and the US have adopted an increasingly hawkish stance against China by demanding an independent investigation into the virus’ origins in Wuhan, India has made no such demand as has liked to work behind the scenes to make China behave. The fresh border face-off yet again proves that China is no one’s friend and there’s no point in being in the country’s “good books”.

Much has been written about how China does Pakistan’s bidding on Kashmir especially at the United Nations. Numerous Chinese attempts to discuss and pass a resolution have been blocked by our diplomats in the UNSC. Despite China’s repeated meddling in our internal affairs, India doesn’t speak up on Tibet and Hong Kong.

In November 2019, Chinese Ambassador to India, Sun Weidong published his take on Tibet in Hindustan Times, where he wrote, “India recognises that Tibet Autonomous Region is part of the territory of the PRC and India does not allow Tibetans to engage in political activities against China in India. This commitment was reaffirmed in subsequent bilateral documents between the two countries. China appreciates India’s position. It hopes and believes that India, as a responsible major country, will stick to its position, honour its commitments, resist interference on Tibet-related issues and promote the healthy and stable development of China-India relations.”

While India continues to honour its agreement, China’s actions vis-a-vis Kashmir continue to be anti-India, it’s about time India sheds its nice-guy image and steps on China’s jugular vein. It’s about time we engage Dalai Lama in a more meaningful manner and shed the tokenism.

India has also not spoken a word on the controversial national security bill which all but curtails Hong Kong’s autonomy. While the US and UK have warned of sanctions and are no stripping the city off all the concessions, India hasn’t adopted a stance perhaps because it thinks it is China’s “internal matter”.

India’s policy on Taiwan at best can be describes as hazy. While India did sent two MPs including senior BJP leader Meenakshi Lekhi to Taiwanese President Tsai-Ing Wen’s swearing-in and also excluded SEBI’s scrutiny investments coming from China and Hong Kong, it is yet to make its stance clear. Engaging with Taiwan, will cause a major heartburn in the CCP at a time when the US has pledged to protect Taiwan in the advent of any Chinese military aggression.

There is no doubt that our army will avenge the death of the country’s brave hearts, the time has now come to corned China diplomatically and pay it back in the same coin.

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