‘Taiwan good, Wet market bad,’ As soon as US holds back funding, CCP defender WHO starts talking sense


WHO, DOnald Trump, China, Taiwan

The USA’s decision to cut WHO’s funding for its collision with the Chinese Communist Party to help China cover up the pandemic has made the international organisation assume an apologetic tone. WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros is already undergoing a nervous breakdown on Twitter as the noose tightens over his neck.

It has taken funding cut by the USA for the WHO to finally acknowledge Taiwan’s efforts in containing the highly contagious Wuhan virus. In a press briefing, Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s health emergencies programme praised Taiwan as he said, “The health authorities in Taiwan and Taiwan’s CDC deserve praise. They have mounted a very good public health response in Taiwan, and you can see that in the numbers.” He added that WHO is bringing Taiwanese colleagues into the technical networks so that they can share their experience.

While Xi Jinping likes to think that Taiwan is a part of China, in reality, the CCP governs only the mainland and has no jurisdiction power in Taiwan. The WHO shamefully pandered to the Chinese propaganda and placed Taiwan’s coronavirus numbers under China. Recently, Dr Tedros had accused Taiwan of running a racist campaign against him — a claim which is devoid of any proof. The sudden change in the organisation’s behaviour can be due to the Trump administration’s decision to cut its funding.

It was a rare instance that the organisation not only acknowledged Taiwan’s existence but also patted the country on the back, that too in the presence of Dr Tedros who is Xi Jinping’s lackey. However, the WHO officials continue to pontificate over the issue of Taiwan’s membership.

The WHO’s legal officer Steve Solomon attempted to deflect the blame on the member states as he claimed that it is up to the member states if they wanted to include Taiwan in the World Health Assembly. Solomon just like his colleagues claimed that the WHO officials continue to engage with Taiwanese officials.

In a massive surprise and after 3 long months, Dr Tedros finally mustered up the courage to criticise China’s wet markets — the place where the virus originated. Dr Tedros said, “ Wet markets are an important source of affordable food and livelihood for millions of people all over the world. But in many places, they have been poorly regulated and poorly maintained. WHO’s position is that when these markets are allowed to reopen, it should only be on the condition that they conform to stringent food safety and hygiene standards. Governments must rigorously enforce bans on the sale and trade of wildlife for food.”

He further added, “WHO has worked closely with the World Organization for Animal Health and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, to develop guidance on the safe operation of markets.Because an estimated 70% of all new viruses come from animals, we also work together closely to understand and prevent pathogens crossing from animals to humans.”

The past week has seen Dr Tedros suffer from a nervous breakdown as he posted one-word tweets without any context or explanation. It seems that Dr Tedros senses that the world is determined to punish him and the WHO for helping China cover up the pandemic as the Chinese Communist Party will wash its hands off him as soon as he becomes a liability.

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