‘Hindu and Muslim patients are being segregated in Ahmedabad,’ cried the liberals. GOT BUSTED


Ahmedabad patients liberals coronavirus

Even in times of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the leftist lobby doesn’t seem to be getting over its propagandist instincts. As a matter of fact, the Coronavirus outbreak has given a new lease of life to such usual suspects who have gone into an overdrive with hitjobs and anti-Hindu propaganda.

The latest example of such shameful propaganda is an Indian Express report about an Ahmedabad hospital segregating Muslim and Hindu patients into different wards.

The report even quotes Medical Superintendent Dr Gunvant H Rathod as saying, “Generally, there are separate wards for male and female patients. But here, we have made separate wards for Hindu and Muslim patients.”

Indian Express has also claimed that Dr. Rathod said that the segregation is a decision of the government. But the media outlet couldn’t dare attribute fake quotes to the administrative authorities. The hitjob itself makes it clear that Deputy Chief Minister and Health Minister Nitin Patel denied any knowledge of the incident.

But when a hitjob titled, “Hospital in Ahmedabad splits COVID wards on faith, says govt decision” goes viral, who cares for the content inside the report? The entire anti-Modi gang, especially the ones who hate Gujarat only because Prime Minister Modi had gained immense popularity due to the ‘Gujarat model’ feasted on an opportunity to discredit the vibrant development model.

Sharing the Indian Express hitjob, rabid Modi hater Rana Ayyub said, “Generally, there are separate wards for male and female patients. But here, we have made separate wards for Hindu and Muslim patients. This is on the directive of the Gujarat government.”

And when we are talking of Gujarat, how can Rajdeep Sardesai remain silent? He tweeted, “As a proud Amdavadi (Ahmedabad is the city of my birth), am appalled to read that the local civil hospital is being asked to divide Covid patients on basis of religion. Shameful.”

Sagarika Ghose was not behind either. She jumped into the fray in no time and blamed “violent Hindutva” for it. She tweeted, “Shameful and disgusting. Years of violent Hindutva has dehumanised parts of Gujarat. Hospital in Ahmedabad splits COVID wards on faith, says govt decision | coronavirus outbreak News,The Indian Express”.

Next in line is the US Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)– an organisation that loves to hate Prime Minister Modi and had even recommended denial of a tourist visa to him when he was the Gujarat Chief Minister.

USCIRF tweeted, “USCIRF is concerned with reports of Hindu & Muslim patients separated into separate hospital wards in #Gujarat. Such actions only help to further increase ongoing stigmatization of Muslims in #India and exacerbate false rumors of Muslims spreading #COVID19.”

Also joining this eminent gang is lawyer activist Prashant Bhushan who tweeted, “Shocking! Hospital in Ahmedabad segregates Covid patients on the basis of religion! It says there is a govt order to that effect. Gujarat model?!” Bhushan couldn’t even hide his acrimonious agenda to discredit the “Gujarat model”.

The Congress too was involved in spreading fake news, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra tweeted, “We are one nation, and we are fighting to save ourselves from a devastating pandemic which does not distinguish between us.

Anyone seeking to divide us along the lines of religion, caste or creed is the worst kind of enemy of this great nation and it’s brave people.”

While all of them shared the Indian Express link to prove their point, not one of them cared to mention that the Deputy Chief Minister had denied knowledge of any such order to segregate Hindu and Muslim patients.

Now, both the Indian Express and the anti-Modi gang have been ruthlessly exposed, as Press Information Bureau (PIB) did a little fact-check that is enough to leave the entire gang red faced.

It has tweeted, “The Health Deptt.of Govt.of Gujarat has clarified that no segregation is being done in civil hospital on the basis of religion. Corona Patients are being treated based on symptoms, severity etc.and according to treating doctors’ recommendations.”

Meanwhile, Medical Superintendent Dr. G.H. Rathod too has issued a statement condemning the Indian Express hitjob. He said, “The news which has appeared in some dailies have misquoted me that “we have made separate wards for Muslims and Hindus.” This report in my name is false and baseless and I condemn it.”

So, there was neither any Gujarat government order to segregate COVID-19 patients on the basis of faith, nor was there any such segregation by the hospital authorities themselves. It was purely a hitjob, and a fake news in order to discredit the Gujarat model. It is shameful that even in times of the Coronavirus Pandemic, settling political scores is a bigger priority for many politicians, journalists and activists.

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