‘CAA not anti-Muslim but anti-CAA protests are anti-Hindu,’ Tejasvi Surya dissects and destroys anti-CAA protests

What a warrior!

Tejasvi Surya anti caa protests

Yesterday, the Parliament witnessed discussions on the Delhi riots. In the process, a number of myths seem to have been debunked and a number of realities carefully buried under the carpet by the liberal brigade till now have been exposed. One of the BJP lawmakers who took the anti-CAA protesters (read ‘rioters’) to the cleaners, Tejasvi Surya brought up how hundreds of women were misled and forced to come out on the streets, before being used by Islamist radicals as shields.

While the Opposition wanted to bring so called hate speech by Kapil Mishra, Surya brought on record some of the most provocative and radical Islamist slogans raised during the last two months such as “Jinnah Wali Azaadi”, “Hinduon se Azaadi” and “Kaafiron as Azaadi”.

Setting the record straight, Surya said, “There is nothing anti Muslim about CAA but the anti CAA protests were anti-Hindu.”


To further explain his point, he referred to one of the Islamist slogans raised during the protests, viz. “Tera mera rishta kya? La ilaha illallah.” Speaking in a frank and outspoken manner, he did not mince his words and also brought up how those raising and perpetrating such Islamist, anti-Hindu slogans were actually portrayed as victims by the ‘intellectual Jihadis’ writing editorials in leading newspapers.

Talking about how the misleading narrative was built, Tejasvi Surya brought up how those who were raising slogans of ‘Bharat ke tukde tukde’ were portrayed as the victims of police brutalities and people went on to call them ‘Sheros’.

Giving two more examples of how the ecosystem works- Harsh Mander whose anti-India, international links have been exposed incited mobs by telling them that they will have to hit the streets and the Supreme Court won’t get them justice.

Similarly, Umar Khalid gave a speech a week before Donald Trump’s visit to India, wherein the ‘Tukde tukde’ gang activist instigated Muslim crowd to foment violence when the United States President visits Delhi.

Surya thus brought out how the anti-CAA protests and the Delhi riots seem to have been orchestrated as part of a sinsiter conspiracy to tarnish India’s image at an international level. To further his argument, Surya also brought up The Prioneer journalist, J. Gopikrishnan’s allegation that he was offered 1500 US Dollars for writing a 1000 word article tarnishing India’s image by the international media.

All of what Surya said is something that the mainstream media and the Lutyens’ elites have been carefully avoiding and downplaying till now. The media had virtually censored itself from bringing up these issues. However, after Tejasvi Surya’s brilliant speech in the Parliament, a number of issues that were being carefully buried under the carpet have now come to the surface. With this he has successfully dissected and destroyed the very base of the anti-CAA protests.

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