10% cured patients still testing positive: China’s economic greed will give rise to a second wave of Wuhan virus

China is desperate to open Wuhan

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After cursing the world with a deadly pandemic that is taking the lives of thousands daily, China is again risking the lives of innocent people of its country and the world altogether. According to a report in South China Morning Post, “About 3 to 10 percent of patients who recovered from Covid-19 tested positive again after being discharged from hospital, doctors in Wuhan have found.”

The hospital where the patients were tested positive again has said that they have found no evidence that these patients have become infectious, based on close observations of their family members and laboratory tests.

But again the question arises, “Can we take them (Chinese) for their word?” After all, China and WHO up until 14th January on the top of their voice told the entire world that Wuhan Virus could not be transmitted from one human to another.

To avoid facing the music in form of economic sanctions and travel boycotts the Xi Jinping regime hid the severity of the Chinese Virus for the better part of November and December when it had just started to spread around the Wuhan province until it could not any further and scores of people died as a result. Still, the official death toll of China is far lower than that of European countries like Italy and Spain, which simply points that China has been hiding its numbers and a far sinister conspiracy is brewing.

Another reason why China is in a hurry to get back on its feet is crisis profiteering. The communist regime wants to get its economy back on track. Therefore fudging the dead and the infected person’s number. Culling numbers and censoring data is something that comes naturally to the Chinese authorities.

It is looking to cash in on the world’s misery to fill up its coffers. According to news reports China is eager to open the epicenter Wuhan by as early as 8 April. The factories around the country have already went into superfast production.

China is working on overdrive to profit from the crisis. The country is earning billions of dollars by selling masks and ventilators when the world is fighting from a virus that originated in China. It has again started giving off bad loans to a country like Sri Lanka only to rip them off later.

As per a report by Bloomberg, the companies in China are working in three shifts in order to match demand. “There’s literally no country in the world that doesn’t want to buy a ventilator from China right now,” said Li Kai, director of Beijing Aeonmed, “We have tens of thousands of orders waiting. The issue is how fast we can make them.”

The Hubei province of which Wuhan is the capital, was the worst-hit and emerged as the epicenter of the virus as according to the Chinese government, the province accounted for 67,801 cases and 3,160 fatalities of the novel Wuhan virus. Wuhan which has a population of approximately 11 million people, had been placed under lockdown since January 23 with other cities in the Hubei province soon following the suit.

The Chinese government is working in full swing to forcefully normalize the situation in Wuhan where in reality, the city is still battling the deadly virus. The temporary 10 hospitals which were erected to test and treat the coronavirus patients have already been closed down by the authorities.

In a concerning development, the Chinese government has decided to lift the lockdown from Wuhan which can have grave consequences if the reports are true that patients are being tested positive again.

The threat is not over yet. For all we know, China might not have even cured the patients properly and sent them back in the public. If this indeed is the case then the world is in a whole lot of trouble than anticipated. China needs to be kept in check for the World cannot afford another major outbreak of this deadly virus.

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