Since Saif is a History Buff, it is clear that he knowingly and willingly named his son Taimur

Taimur was one of the biggest mass murderers in the history of mankind

taimur, saif ali khan, history buff, tanhaji

Recently, the much talked about film review portal ‘Film Companion’ published a video on their Twitter account, which went viral on social media. In this video, film critic Anupama Chopra was interviewing Saif Ali Khan, who talked about his personal preferences as well as his upcoming film ‘Jawani Janeman’.

What made the video controversial was his remark about ‘Tanhaji’. He said, “I don’t think that what was shown in Tanhaji was history.” He didn’t stop here and added, “I don’t think that the concept of India as a nation ever existed till the Britishers gave it one.”

Later, it was exposed that Saif had actually made a U-turn from his earlier stance. What also makes his interview interesting is the fact that he and Anupama Chopra termed him a “history buff” and he agreed.


Saif being a self-proclaimed “history buff” makes it all the more difficult for us to give him the benefit of doubt on the fact that he named his son ‘Taimur’ resonating with the memory of the dreaded Timur-e-Lang.

Earlier, the general perception was that celebrity couple Kareena and Saif had named their son after one of the most anti-human personalities to have taken birth on this planet because they were not knowledgeable enough to have even a faint idea about Indian or World history. 

However, now that Saif has revealed that he is a history buff, it really makes no sense for him to have named his son after one of the most dreaded personalities in human history.

Timur was not only a brutal killer, but he gave himself the title of ‘Sword of Islam’. In thirty-five years of his reign, he slaughtered 17 million people which was around 5% of the total global population of his time.

During his attack in India, Timur’s army began the operation of merciless butchering countless Hindus in Baluch, Punjab, Sindh and Kashmir. In Kashmir, his army attacked Kator where all the men were killed, and all the women and children were held captive as war slaves.

Thus, indulging in horrifying destruction, the army passed through Bhaṭaner where Rajputs accepted their defeat and they entered a peace treaty. As soon as the Rajputs became inattentive, Timur slaughtered 10,000 men and beheaded them.

In Sarsuti and Panipat, he continued the same horrendous activities of killing Hindu men, looting wealth, burning the towns and taking women and children as war slaves.

The greatest massacre during Timur’s attack took place in Loni near Delhi. One lakh Hindus were killed in this massacre which remains unparalleled in human history. Writing about this cold-blooded mass slaughter, Timur wrote, “On the great day of the battle these one lakh prisoners could not be left with the baggage, and that it would be entirely opposed to the rules of war to set these idolaters and the foes of Islam at liberty. In fact, no other course remained except to make them food for the sword.”

Given Timur’s inhuman assault on the Hindu population in India, there is no reason why anyone, least of all a “history buff” like Saif would name his son after the dreaded king, unless of course, if Saif is an indoctrinated Islamist. 

Timur was dreaded not only by non-Muslims but Muslims too. After he captured Baghdad, 20,000 people were massacred. Timur had then ordered that all his soldiers should return with at least two severed heads to show him.

The fact that Saif should name his son after the dreaded conqueror who massacred lakhs of Hindus is heinous, but this history buff’s ignorance of how Timur had also butchered Muslims is outright confusing.

Saif, like many Indians, is expected to know only half the truth. He comes from a highly elitist background, and as such might even be of the opinion that Indians are meant to be conquered and ruled.

Till now, Saif was seen as somebody who didn’t even have a rough idea of India’s history. But now that he has proudly proclaimed himself a “history buff”, his act of naming his son after the Turco-Mongol conqueror, Timur, seems like a deliberate attempt to glorify the butcher. In simple words, you do not get to keep the title of “history buff” and also name your son ‘Taimur’ in India.

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