Shaheen Bagh mastermind Sharjeel Imam wants to separate Northeast from India and is suggesting blocking the Army

Lock him up

Sharjeel Imam, JNU, siliguri corridor,

The Shaheen Bagh protests have carried on for more than a month, blocking a crucial roadway and causing serious traffic jams in other routes of Delhi. The protests comprise of people who claim to be protesting against CAA and NRC but in all practicality, the protest has morphed into a gathering of the hateful and frustrated. While at the bottom level of the protests are gullible women and children, mostly paid to seat themselves at this disruptive protest venue, the top tier’s intentions have nothing to with CAA or NRC but with the desired break-up of India.

While the PR-machinery of the Shaheen Bagh protest has ensured that the Shaheen Bagh picture is painted with Indian flags, the national anthem and other forced patriotic instances, the main man behind the protests, Sharjeel Imam, has revealed exactly what the intentions of the leaders of the protests are, and the feelings that they harboured in their hearts from the start. Kanhaiya only dreams of a break-up of the country but Sharjeel Imam, a PhD student of JNU, has already laid out a plan for it. 


Imam says that with the help of only 5 lakh people, his gang can easily engineer the break-up of India by amputating Northeast India from the rest of the country. “Cutting off Assam is our responsibility. Let Assam and India be separated, only then they will listen to us. You know what the condition of Muslims is in Assam, CAA, NRC has been done over there, people have been thrown in detention camps and well, the massacre is taking place over there but in the next 6-8 months, we will find that all Bengalis have been killed, be it Hindu or Muslim. So, if we want to help Assam, we ill have to close the gateway to the northeast,” says Sharjeel Imam. He suggests blocking railroads so that supplies from India and most importantly the Army cannot pass.

Imam is referring to the Siliguri Corridor or the Chicken’s Neck, a 22 kilometre narrow stretch of land which connects the northeast with the rest of India and is crucial for the country’s security. “The Chicken’s neck belongs to the Muslims, that area is dominated by Muslims,” says Sharjeel Imam, the mastermind of the Shaheen Bagh protests. He adds that Kanhaiya has given many hefty speeches but has not done anything “productive” clearly stating that the call for the break-up of India needs to be followed by the deed itself, and that is exactly his intent. 

 This speech by Sharjeel Imam, besides being highly inflammatory, is clearly inciting terror right from the national capital of India. 

Sharjeel Imam has organised the protests and with a Facebook post, he gave the clarion call to disrupt traffic across the country. “The model of Shaheen Bagh protest is of Road Blockade, rest are secondary, understand the difference between chakka jam (Road Blockade) and dharna (Protest), Do protest in every city, tell the people about the chakka jam (Road Blockade), and then prepare and sit on the National Highways.” 

He has called for Muslims to organise and bring to a halt as many cities as they can. A Republic TV expose had revealed how Sharjeel Imam had admitted that the main model of the protests revolves around road blockades to garner the attention of international media.

 Essential services like school buses, ambulances, etc. to have been facing major inconvenience owing to the protests. An ambulance was allowed as part of the PR campaign, but this entire month, Shaheen Bagh has been an adamant inconvenience.

Imam has a history in inciting Muslims against the Indian state and has shown utter disregard for the constitution of India. “Muslims will be put into detention camps. There is an attack on Muslims, not on the Constitution as you (Muslim protestors) think. Constitution keeps on changing. You all know what the Court did in the Babri Masjid case. You all know what the court did in Kashmir, There is no internet from last five months. Is this the Constitution of India?” Sharjeel Imam said in a speech. His frustration has also been directed at Supreme Court’s Ayodhya verdict.

Led by such sinister elements, the Shaheen Bagh protests involve children who have been seeing giving death threats to Prime Minister Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. The way they are being exploited to make political ends meet has not escaped the eyes of those concerned, and the National Committee for Protection of Child Rights has called for the government authorities to identify and arrange for the counselling of the children spotted in the protests, along with their parents.

As per the media reports, a letter was written to the District Magistrate of South East Delhi, wherein the NCPCR said the children “may suffer from mental trauma” as a result of rumours and miscommunication. To quote the commission’s observations on the same, “These children are shouting that their elders have told them that Prime Minister [Narendra Modi] and Home Minister [Amit Shah]…will ask them to produce documents of citizenship, and if they fail to produce [them], they will be sent to detention centres, where they will not be allowed even food and clothing.”


While liberal media has tirelessly engaged in PR activities to mask the true nature of these protests, the agenda is clear and it is sinister. It is about time the people of Delhi rise up against these elements which are inciting large crowds of Muslims with rumours and lies. Sharjeel Imam’s seditious words state the seriousness of the problem that India has to deal with and hence, no tolerance should be shown for either him or the Shaheen Bagh protest which has turned into a communal slugfest.

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