Omar Abdullah has a long beard and liberals are crying blood

Give him a trimmer already

Omar Abdullah, Jammua nd Kashmir, art 370, beard

As an opportunity for the liberals to lament over their sorrows, a photo of former CM of erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir, Omar Abdulla is doing the rounds on the internet winning him the much-needed sympathy among the braindead liberals. Liberals are crying rivers for the scion of Abdulla dynasty over his greyish-white beard as depicts the picture.

In order to ensure the security of the people of Kashmir, the government has put some political leaders including Omar in preventive detention, so that they do not incite Kashmiri youths over the removal of Article 370. Omar has been put in a palatial mansion near his residence Hari Niwas where he enjoys majestic 5-star facilities alongside prominent security. 

As the liberals are misleading the people terming his detention illegal and immoral, it must be highlighted that he enjoys majestic facilities inside this mansion but the liberals are quite enthusiastically portraying as if he is not even provided with a trimmer. However, if it is indeed true that the government is depriving former CM Omar Abdullah of a trimmer or shaving equipment, then a high-level committee must be constituted to look into the matter and the lieutenant governor must ensure that he gets a trimmer. 

Amusingly, the reactions to his beard have been comical. West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee termed the state of Omar Abdullah (as the picture depicts) as ‘unfortunate’, surprising the people as if sporting a beard is equal to being poor and vulnerable, she said in a tweet, “I could not recognize Omar in this picture. Am feeling sad. Unfortunate that this is happening in our democratic country. When will this end ?”

It is stunning to see liberals and politicians such as Mamata and Stalin comparing a man’s beard with the state of democracy in India. The mental states of these people seem quite poor as they initiate their ‘democratic’ and ‘moral’ propaganda.

Hypocrite- liberal Saba Naqvi too lamented over this, saying that India has lost its moral standing in the world over this petty picture, which denotes nothing but maybe religious awakening of Omar. He may have become more religious now.

Another liberal Sonia Singh of NDTV, cried, “This is a shocking picture. It is morally, ethically & legally wrong to keep 3 ex-chief ministers & many others including an IAS topper in ‘ detention for months ‘ on no charge at all. There is absolutely no justification for this.”

While liberals are offended by this picture, pulling out the victim card and doling out their sympathies, common folks on twitter busted their propaganda. A user said, “1: Sheikh Abdulla shave off his beard to prove his secularism 2. Grandson Omar Abdullah grows a beard to prove that all is not well. Kashmiri people know how this artist family sucked the blood of Kashmiris for India.”

This reaction of the liberals over a good and happy picture of Omar depicts that the liberals have no sense of understanding; all they are doing is to target the PM Modi’s government over this picture. Terming this immoral and unethical is laughable, and falling for the emotional blackmail on the part of Omar Abdullah is foolish.

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