Azad, Ahmed, Hasan and more – HRD Ministry has remained in the hands of secularists since forever

There is a clear pattern


The academic orientation of any country is very important in its future. It is often said that investment in Human Resources is most important for the development of any country. Education is given so much importance in India that the Union education ministry is the Ministry of Human Resources.

The Union, as well as state governments in India, had always focused on education and it bagged the highest percentage in total public expenditure. The expenditure on education of state governments is 16 per cent of total expenditure, more than any other department.

The Union government also spends a large chunk on education; and despite all this money going on public education, not a single Indian university appears in the top 200 of global universities.

One of the reasons behind this is: the Indian academia is completely dominated by left and the students are brainwashed from an early age to think in a particular direction. Any critical thinking is criticized and wrote learning is encouraged!

The dominance of Left in the academia could be inferred from the ideology of Minister of Education (1947- 1985) and Minister of Human Resource Development (1985- Present) the country had in last 70 years. 

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the first education minister of India, was considered the doyen of Hindu-Muslim unity, who held the post for more than 10 years, inserted “secularism” in our academia, and whitewashed the atrocities of Muslims on Hindus during the Mughal Empire.

Maulana was not known as Maulana just because he was well-educated, but also due to his Islamist leaning and his idea of Muslims and pan-national community. “If even a grain of the soul of Islam is alive among its followers, then I should say that if a thorn gets stuck in a Turk’s sole in the battlefield of war, then I swear by the God of Islam, no Muslim of India can be a Muslim until he feels that prick in his heart instead of sole because the Millat-e-Islam (the global Muslim community) is a single body,” Maulana has said in a speech.

Maulana Azad laid the foundation for ‘secularization’ of Indian history and social sciences and positioned the Marxist professors and bureaucrats in all important government posts. The intellectuals with contrary views were purged; as there was very limited private sector, the government patronage to left made it a dominant force in academia.

Commenting on the ethnic cleansing of non-Left academics by the government, Sanjeev Sanyal, the economist and historian, wrote“The Left dominance over the intellectual establishment has its roots in the systematic ‘ethnic cleansing’ of all non-Left thinkers since the 1950s…the result of the systematic cleansing was that there were no non-Left academics remaining in the social sciences field in India by the early 1990s.”

The successive Ministers of Education built on the foundations of ‘secularism’ and Marxist Indology laid by Azad. After Azad, K L Shrimali became the Minister of education for the next five years and he continued with the policies of Azad. After Shrimali, Humayun Kabir, M C Chagla, and Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, all Muslims and self-proclaimed Marxist became education minister. All of them further secularized the academia and carried out ethnic cleansing of non-leftist professors, writers, and media persons. 

After Indira Gandhi got the support of CPI in 1969 to save her government from the Congress (syndicate), he gave the control of academia to the Communist parties, who appointed card-carrying members of the party in the university. Her government took a sharp leftward turn and to justify her deeds, she prepared an army of ‘intellectuals’ who would prepare an intellectual argument in support of her excesses.

In 1972, she appointed Saiyid Nurul Hasan as HRD minister, and he appointed Marxist professors in universities like JNU. In all government universities like AMU, BHU, JNU and other institutions like UGC, the Marxist professors were appointed in the social sciences departments.

The strong left orientation of Indian intellectual professions- academia, media, and writing- is due to state patronage to them by the successive Congress governments. The leftist intellectuals will discuss 50 shades of left and claim that this is the whole political spectrum of the country. The strong right or centre-right voices would never find space in the world of self-proclaimed champions of freedom of expression. And the ‘secular’ and Marxist education minister have played a very important role in this ethnic cleansing of the voices of right.

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