Boris Johnson’s thumping victory comes as a major shock to UK based Khalistani and Islamist networks

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Britain, london, islamist, khalistani

The general elections in United Kingdom have recently come to an end, and to everyone’s surprise, the current PM Boris Johnson is back with a thumping majority, a first for the UK House of Commons since 2005, when Tony Blair of Labor Party had last won the elections with a clear majority. The Conservatives, or Tories, as they’re popularly called, have won more than 360 seats out of 650 seats, proving a clear, thumping majority for Boris Johnson. Jeremy Bernard Corbyn, leader of the Labor party, has not only accepted defeat but also announced to step down, refusing to lead the party further in any forthcoming elections.

On an honest note, the election results of 2019 are nothing less than a stinging slap on the face of the Labour Party, which under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn inculcated serious flaws. From alienating the influential British Indian community altogether in his pursuit to power, to going completely anti-India and supporting every faction that works against our interests, Jeremy Corbyn would’ve been a disastrous choice as the PM of UK had he been elected to power. However, under a strong government led by Boris Johnson, the proliferating Islamist and Khalistani networks may not have a free run that easily anymore. 

To begin with, Jeremy Corbyn shot at his own feet as he began his electoral campaign for the post of the PM by catering to the Islamic community and completely alienating the British Jews and the British Indians, especially the Hindus, which form a sizeable chunk of the population of the UK. Jeremy’s vote bank politics is based on the fact that the Pakistani British vote en masse for the Labour Party. As opposed to this, the British Indians do not vote as a bloc and their vote share is usually divided between the Conservative and Labour parties. The Pakistani vote can, therefore, tip the balance in 30 to 40 seats.

Likewise, there has also been a rise in the Khalistani protests targeting India in the UK. In 2018, over 2,000 pro-Khalistan demonstrators took part in support of a non-binding referendum in 2020, dubbed the London Declaration, for an independent Sikh nation. The group was organised by the US-based group Sikhs for Justice, though the rally attracted demonstrators from across the UK. Interestingly, the Islamist – Khalistani nexus enjoying the patronage of Pakistan’s ISI, was revealed with the presence of Lord Nazir Ahmed, a non-affiliated member of the House of Lords, who organised an anti-India rally outside the Indian High Commission on Republic Day earlier this year. “I believe in Khalistan for my Sikh brothers and sisters,” he said at the rally.

In a bid to present himself as politically correct, Jeremy Corbyn was ready to even ally with radical Islamists and anti-Semites, who had no qualms in displaying their unabashed hatred for the Indians, as well as the Jews in the open. The situation turned for the worse in the UK during the month of August, when the Indian government announced that the special status provisions given to Jammu & Kashmir under Article 370 shall be abrogated with immediate effect.

Jeremy Corbyn, being the ultra-left leader that he is, went out openly against the Indian government, passing a resolution against the decision and questioning the Indian government over the situation of human rights in the Kashmir Valley. Jeremy himself tweeted, “The situation in Kashmir is deeply disturbing. Human rights abuses taking place are unacceptable. The rights of the Kashmiri people must be respected and UN resolutions implemented.”

The language and content of his tweet gives a clear indication of whom he is trying to appease; a particular cross-section of voters, viz. radical Muslim Britishers in general and the Pakistani origin citizens of the UK in particular, apart from a section of the radicalized Khalistanis, who have found a new home in UK after Canada, thanks to the indirect backing received from Jeremy Corbyn and mayor of London Sadiq Khan, the controversial mayor of London infamous for his inept approach towards the attacks on the British Indians and the Indian diplomats by the Islamists residing in UK. How can we forget his audacious attempt to downplay terror attacks while explaining his stance on the terror attacks in the New York?

Not only was this resolution outrageous, but it also paved way for vicious, violent rallies organized by both hardened Pakistani Islamists and the Khalistani radicals, including former Bollywood rapper Hard Kaur, who not only called openly for violence against the rest of the British Indians but also the Indian High Commission in UK. Adding salt to their wounds, Jeremy did little to placate these groups and kept pandering the terrorist elements.

Unlike the time when centre-right leader Tony Blair used to lead the party, Labour Party of today has fallen to populism and ‘radical’ socialist ideas. The manner in which it has pandered to Islamists, including the occasion when they readmitted an MP having ties with the dreaded Muslim Brotherhood was enough to pave way for their decline.

Following the spate of violent incidents in UK, the British Indian community had had it enough and they united in their bid to keep Jeremy out of power, something that was curiously similar to the events of 2016 when the high handed approach of Democrat candidate compelled the Indian community of USA to vote en masse for the Republican candidate, Donald Trump.

The British Indians, already miffed with the arrogant approach of Jeremy, now resorted to vote for Boris Johnson. Like the popular slogan of ‘Angrezon ko Sabak Sikhana Hai’ during the 1983 World Cup semifinals, the British Indian community, Indians in the United Kingdom are promoting Prime Minister Boris Johnson through a video released in support of him ahead of the country’s elections scheduled on 12 December, with the lyrics like “Boris ko hamein jitana hai, Is desh ko aj bachana hai…,”

The song not only proclaimed that Johnson will solve all the issues plaguing Britain, including Brexit while calling opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn a “liar”. With Boris Johnson returning to power with a thumping majority, the ‘suicide note’ of Jeremy Bernard Corbyn just got longer and funnier.

The song not only proclaimed that Johnson will solve all the issues plaguing Britain, including Brexit, while calling opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn a “liar”. To be fair, the victory of Boris Johnson is not just a deserved victory for the British Indians, but also a huge setback for the anti Indian elements, especially the hardened Islamist – Khalistani Nexus who wanted Jeremy to come into power by any means. With Boris Johnson returning to power with a thumping majority, the ‘suicide note’ of Jeremy Bernard Corbyn just got longer and funnier.

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