Rana Ayyub’s hypocrisy exposed following her comment on Aligarh case

(PC: Hindustan Times)

The gruesome murder of a 3-year-old girl from Aligarh has pushed the nation into a state of shock and anger. Zahid, the main accused in the case is believed to have had an argument with the victim’s grandfather and uncle over a loan. Reportedly, the accused lived in the victim’s neighborhood. However, it is still unclear whether he had kidnapped the victim and hid her in his home before murdering her. Body of the three-year-old was found not far from her house, in a horrific semi-decomposed state.

Controversial journalist Rana Ayyub, also following the left-liberal trend came out to mislead the discourse over this heinous crime in Aligarh. Rana Ayyub has been called out multiple times for spreading divisive communal messages and also acting as apologists for the terrorists. Rana Ayyub took to Twitter on this case to further churn a controversy out of the horrific incident by fiddling with the communal identities of the persons involved. To a tweet by another journalist who called out the heinous crime, she had tweeted, “Brutality of Muslim men!! Wow, our news anchors should now mention the faith of every rape accused in the country. To peddle your agenda using the brutal, heartbreaking crime against an innocent child requires insensitivity of another level. Sick!”

However, another Twitter user gave Rana a befitting reply on her Aligarh case tweet and exposed her blatant hypocrisy on Twitter.

Twitter user Ram tweeted, “A nun was raped in West Bengal. Rana not just blamed Hindus, she went a step ahead & blamed RSS men for it when it was illegal Bangladeshi Muslim men who were the rapists. She blamed Hindus based on zero evidence. Here she has a problem mentioning the faith of actual culprits.”


This is however just a part of Rana Ayyub’s hypocrisy, Rana Ayyub has left no stone unturned to give any law and order incident which has a Muslim victim a communal color and paint the Hindus as a whole to be responsible. She had also tried to give the Kathua rape case an anti-Hindu spin. She had tweeted, “The plotters of Kathua represent many millions of such Hindus who have reached the conclusion that India must eventually become an apartheid state, a Hindu rashtra where the Hindu has first claim to everything writes @samar11

Not surprisingly the mainstream media staying with its stance has decided to conveniently underplay this heinous crime in Aligarh as the identity of the accused does not fit well with their political agenda. Mainstream media has been called out time and time again for blatantly whitewashing or totally eliminating the reportage of crimes committed by a ‘certain community’ in India.

The left-liberals and the Bollywood gang which is frequently seen holding placards, rallying in candle marches, etc is also silent on this gruesome act against humanity, evidently because of the same reason as the mainstream media. The left-liberal gang, with the support of mainstream media and some Bollywood personalities who mostly have limited or no knowledge of issues they talk about, has always been fast to give communal colors to any law and order incident has fallen into a state of deep slumber as the main accused in this case, Zahid, is a Muslim.

Rana Ayyub’s actions are surely a hangover from previous regimes in India which have left no stone unturned to whitewash or omit anything from history, records or others for the sake of misguided secularism. As a part of their vote bank politics, various political parties and left-liberals under their patronage have made every attempt to put the Hindu community in a bad light and at the same time turn a blind eye to all the crimes committed by other minority community. Nonetheless, India does not need the hypocrisy of left-liberals to fight against ghastly crimes irrespective of the identity of the perpetrators and this horrific act surely calls for the harshest of punishments.

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