Begging is apt, why apologize PTV?

begging, Imran Khan

PC: India Today

Pakistan’s state-run news channel, Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) has been made to apologize for showing the truth. During the live broadcast of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s speech at the Central Party School of the ruling Communist Party of China. PTV dared to show the truth and it ran dateline “begging” instead of Beijing. The word remained on screen for 20 seconds. But it’s a big deal that Pakistan finally chose to speak truth at least for a mere twenty seconds.

The official twitter handle of PTV News tweeted, “Today, during a live address of the Prime Minister during his ongoing visit to China, a typographical error took place, which remained on screen for 20 seconds & later removed. This incident is regrettable. Strict action has been initiated under rules against concerned officials.”

Well, there appears no reason to apologize as “begging” is a more apt word for Pakistan. Pakistan PM was in Beijing where he sought economic bailout for Pakistan, so it basically was a trip to Beijing for begging and Pakistani media deserves bravery award for correctly deciphering the truth.

Something surprising in this entire episode is that Pakistan has still not claimed about RAW’s involvement behind all this.

Since Imran Khan has arrived to power, he has earned the image of a ‘bailout seeker’. In fact, ‘begging’ seems to be the favourite hobby of entire Pakistani leadership. Exporting terrorism, begging and then finally surrendering has become the identity of Pakistan. They are infamous world-wide for these things. In his begging spree, Pakistan PM has made tours to many nations and also knocked the doors of IMF but all his efforts went in vain as he failed to get enough monetary assistance to revive the Pakistan’s dwindling foreign reserves. The foreign reserves of Pakistan’s central bank dropped this month to USD 8.1 billion, a four-year low and barely enough to cover sovereign debt payments due through the end of the year. The current account-deficit of Pakistan has hit a whopping USD 18 billion. Pakistan PM managed to secure only USD 6 billion in financial assistance from Saudi Arabia. Imran Khan told the Saudis that he is ‘desperate’ for help.

Now, from China as well, he returns empty-handed after spending three days there. In the joint statement, China has not extended any financial assistance package to Pakistan. China offered words and promises only. Vice Foreign Minister of China Kong Xuanyou said that China has decided to help Pakistan over its current economic difficulties. He further added, “As for the specific measures to be taken, the relevant authorities of the two sides will have detailed discussions.” Imran Khan was expecting bail-out packages from China but he was made to listen only diplomatic talks.

Only option left for Pakistan is IMF. Pakistan has already requested IMF to open negotiations for Pakistan’s second potential bailout in five years. However, it will be politically catastrophic for Imran Khan as IMF might impose strict conditions and including that can be the step of limiting Pakistan’s vision of an Islamic welfare state. The bureaucratic circle of the country has prepared a plan for USD 12 billion help from IMF. If the country succeeds in negotiations with IMF, this would be the thirteenth bailout package for Pakistan since 1988. The country has taken 12 bailout packages from IMF in the last three decades despite consistent monetary help from the US and China, both militarily and financially. Pakistan is surviving because of borrowing and begging. It is safe to conclude that Pakistan has become a nation sustaining on bailouts and borrowings. PTV’s ‘begging’ dateline is right in letter and spirit as far as Pakistan and its leaders are concerned.

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