Sharad Pawar’s remarks on grand coalition severe jolt for the Congress and Rahul Gandhi

Karnataka,Rahul Gandhi,Congress, monsoon session, rahul gandhi, sharad pawar, hal, rahul gandhi, rafale

PC- Postcard News

The Congress had entered the grand anti-BJP coalition with the hope that Rahul Gandhi who is incapable of taking on PM Modi at an individual level will somehow emerge victorious on the back of an all party opposition against the BJP. The Congress hoped that Rahul Gandhi will lead this coalition and get elected as the prime minister of the country after the Lok Sabha polls next year. However, in the recent past Congress’ hopes have been dashed with a number of other grand coalition constituents staking claim to the top post. It seems that the grand alliance is snubbing the Congress and Rahul Gandhi.

This time around it is NCP president Sharad Pawar who has made strong remarks against the Congress president and thereby dashing all hopes to project Rahul as the prime minister candidate. He passed such remarks while giving a formula on how the next prime minister should be elected within the grand coalition. He also stated that the decision as regards to who will be the prime minister if the grand coalition is able to reach the majority mark should be put off till 2019 general polls.

 Pawar who has been instrumental in getting the opposition parties together, stated, “Let elections take place, remove these people (BJP) from power. We will sit together. Whichever party has got more seats can claim the prime minister’s post.” This method by necessary implication rules out the claim by Congress that irrespective of the constituents of the grand coalition, it will be Rahul Gandhi who leads the coalition.

 However, what Sharad Pawar said after this must have come as a real shock for the Congress. He said that he was “happy” Congress president Rahul Gandhi has made it clear he was not driven by prime ministerial ambitions. A day ago, Gandhi had said, “I don’t have these visions. I view myself as fighting an ideological battle and this change has come in me after 2014. I realised that there’s a risk to Indian state, to Indian way of doing things and I’m defending that.” It is clear that like always the Congress president did not think through before making this statement. However, Sharad Pawar saw this opportunity and he is not someone who could miss out on such an opportunity. He used Rahul’s statement to humiliate and embarrass the Congress. With this, he has almost ruled out Rahul’s claim to the top post. Sharad Pawar also went on to defend his formula and stated that, “In 2004, no (non-BJP) party had majority. No leader or party was projected (as prime ministerial face). The BJP had then launched a massive India Shining campaign but was defeated.” He also gave the example of 1977 elections when a coalition of several parties contested against Indira led Congress without announcing its prime minister candidate before the elections.

 Rahul Gandhi was trying to present himself as a large hearted leader who is fighting for a cause and is not power hungry. However, his statement has turned out to be nothing less than a political suicide. It has badly backfired for the Congress. It is clear that Rahul Gandhi did not realise the sensitive political situation and the precarious condition of his party. Congress which has been diminished greatly in status is almost in a situation to beg its partners for a greater share in power. This is not the time for Congress to masquerade as a party not concerned about power when it is actually craving for power.

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