Outrage of Leftist cabal on Pranab’s visit to Nagpur exposes their hypocrisy

pranab mukherjee, rss

PC: PTC News

Former President and ex-Congress leader Pranab Mukherjee addressed the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh headquarters on Friday the 7th of June. Former President Pranab Mukherjee’s visit to the RSS headquarters in Nagpur succeeded in creating frenzy in the Congress camps. So far too many Congress leaders expressed their displeasure at the acceptance of RSS’s invitation by Pranab Mukherjee. They perhaps forgot that Pranab Da, as he is dearly called is not just an ex-Congress leader but a former President of India as well, who is free to pursue any activity he wants to be a part of. They tried to dissuade him from attending the RSS event by any means necessary. Sonia Gandhi even ordered her close aides to take to Twitter in order to paint a grey image of Pranab Da’s visit. Sonia Gandhi and others of the Leftist cabal believe that Pranab Da’s visit would legitimize the organization in the country. They perhaps are unaware of the fact that RSS is the largest social organization in the world, which also happens to be the largest voluntary organization. The RSS has given birth to the Bharatiya Janata Party which is ruling India at present, hence the RSS does not need any validation from any ex-Congress leader. Pranab Mukherjee was called upon because he was an excellent politician inspite of having political differences with the RSS. The invitation by RSS and its acceptance by Pranab Mukherjee were symbols of mutual admiration.

Lutyen’s cocktail party attending media houses and politicians have for long tried to malign the image of RSS in the country. Their contention with RSS stems from the fact that RSS has challenged them at all levels in the past and continues to do so through politics and social initiatives as well. RSS has proved its importance and relevance in India and it does not need validation of any sorts from the Congress or any other Leftist parties of India and abroad. These people did not stop even yesterday after the contents of Pranab Mukherjee’s speech came out in the media, they chose to continue targeting RSS and Pranab Da for no fault of theirs.

These people are the same ones who had remained silent when former Vice President of India Hamid Ansari had attended a function by Popular Front of India (PFI). PFI is an Islamic fundamentalist group which has been accused of various anti-social and anti-national activities. PFI has been known to have links with terrorist organizations from around the globe. Allegations of murder, kidnappings, rioting and religious extremism based on communal lines have often been put on PFI and it is banned in many states across India. Incidentally, Hamid Ansari had attended a function organized by PFI in Kerala, the state which in 2012 had moved the court to put a ban on PFI. The cabal of the leftist parties and media had not raised a voice against Hamid Ansari and his visit to a PFI event. Incidentally Hamid Ansari was the VP whereas Pranab Mukherjee was the President of India, their decision to visit functions hosted by two organizations which are polar opposites in nature shows their inclination. Mani Shankar Aiyar who keeps visiting Pakistan and even goes on to ask for their support in reinstating Congress rule in India are not picked up by these elite leftist media houses. Mani Shankar Aiyar who has countless times stated his love for Pakistan and derided India on international platforms is not an issue for them.

The cabal’s decision to target Pranab Da also reveals their true identity and their anti-India and anti-RSS agenda. RSS and Pranab Mukherjee together have shown that they are capable of upsetting the whole framework of Congress in an instant. RSS and BJP need to build on this to ensure their win in the upcoming elections. While Congress and its leftist allies probably need to introspect to find out where they went wrong in pushing their stalwarts away from them, the answer will be their selfish dynasty politics, but Congress and leftist cabal need to find it out for themselves.


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