Had Gauri Lankesh become a Right-Wing Agent? The Recent Messages on her Phone Seem to Suggest so

Gauri Lankesh, a name which was unheard of until yesterday has today become a household name for all those debating right to dissent. For people who are still clueless about who she was or why she is being discussed about so aggressively, read on.

Gauri’s past in brief:

Gauri Lankesh was a famous/infamous journalist who ran her own publishing house by the name of Gauri Lankesh Patrike. Daughter of poet turned journalist Mr. P. Lankesh, she was revered by many for her fearless attitude and outspoken nature which reflected in her work aswell. Although, her aggression was not complimented with facts on various occasions which led to her credibility being questioned on occasions more than one. 

Miss Gauri Lankesh was convicted of defaming two politicians (in two different cases) of a particular political party of whose ideology she did not subscribe to. Yes, convicted and jailed for 6 months (out on bail) for cooking up stories to suit her political narrative, the same way her comrades did to bring in a communal angle to her murder.

She was the one who had openly supported anti-national elements like Kanahiya Kumar and Omar Khalid during the JNU row, calling them her sons.  The above are just a fraction of the kind of activities she indulged in and the people she shared an ideology with.

Known for her staunch leftist ideology, Gauri was very well known in the media circle as the one who speaks her heart and mind out. Whether that is good or bad, is something that will always be subject to whether she had transgressed the thin line differentiating right to free speech from sedition/defamation.

The gruesome incident:

On Tuesday (5th September, 2017) after she reached home from work, 4 bullets were pumped into her from point blank range by un-identified assailants thereby killing her on the spot. Now, had this to have happened to any other citizen of the country, it wouldn’t have invoked the fury of the main stream media like it did for Lankesh.

Be it the cold blooded murder of Dr. Narang in Delhi, of RSS activist Rajesh in Kerala or the lynching of deputy superintendent of police Mohammed Ayub Pandith in J&K, none of the above mentioned (and a dozen other such similar incidents) managed to wake the main stream media from their deep slumber. But Lankesh’s murder saw the liberal brigade and the main stream media go on a rampage, vilifying the BJP, the RSS, and the PM without any proof whatsoever, jumping the gun as usual.

The desperate attempt of the left to pin this on the Right wing:

Considering Gauri Lankesh ’s tainted past, a narrative overshadowing everything that sought to question this murder had to be created and it had to be created quickly. Knowing her disdain for anything that was associated with the Right ideology and the unfortunate fact that BJP did not have a government in Karnataka (yet), left her sympathisers (majorly the pseudo liberal brigade) with only one option and that meant to somehow shift the blame on right wing groups such as the RSS and give it a communal angle, that of Hindu/Hindutva terrorism. (Similar to what the Congress party tried to do by framing Col. Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya).

Within minutes of the news surfacing of her assassination, a narrative of hindu terrorism was constructed and a judgement was passed by the liberals, much before a formal investigation was even ordered by the government. Gauri Lankesh, a radical leftist was termed a rationalist and anyone questioning her or her ideology was termed as a Hinduvaaadi. This bigotry of using democracy and the freedom of speech and expression selectively, only to serve their political leanings exposed these pseudo journalists more. 

Having manufactured a narrative to that effect and repeated over and over again at press clubs and protest meets, the leftists and opposition parties (e.g Congress) did all they could to pin this on the BJP. All throughout questioning the BJP government for a murder which happened in a Congress ruled state.

Now, had the state in which she was murdered, been a BJP ruled state, the main stream media (msm) and the left leaning social media pages would have started planning for a protest march, sponsoring their farcical #notinmyname and #awardwapsi campaigns demanding the CM’s resignation or probably even the PM’s. But since it was Siddaramaih’s government not a single question was raised questioning the failure on part of the state government.

All that the Mainstream media could manage this time was a senseless campaign #BlockNarendraModi, a hateful twitter campaign to initiate mass blocks on the Prime Minister’s twitter handle, on the premise that the PM followed hate mongers on his twitter handle. According to these media houses, people not condemning the death/celebrating the death of Gauri Lankesh were hatemongers, but had absolutely nothing to state when old tweets and photographs of Gauri Lankesh surfaced to flood the internet and put these leftist’s to shame.

Gauri Lankesh with her JNU Comrades (Picture courtsey- Outlook Hindi)

Although this tactic of theirs also failed miserably, since instead of PM Modi’s followers reducing drastically, the number actually increased from 33.7 million to 33.8 million followers.

This act though appalling, was least shocking. The best way to make use of/exploit Gauri Lankesh ’s death was by somehow blaming the PM for it (Lankesh would’ve probably even approved of it had she been alive) and the leftist intelligentsia and the congress party did just that. The Congress party posted this photograph on their twitter handle and quickly deleted it, when condemned heavily by the twitteratti.

The congress and the left which pounced to blame the BJP even before the investigation into this murder was started, haven’t said a single word on the murder of Sunanda Pushkar. Going by their logic, Shashi Tharoor should have been jailed or even be guillotined for a crime which seemed to have been committed by him. An investigation to that effect should not have been ordered in that case too then. (We are just comparing the two and are by no means stating/implying that either Gauri Lankesh by the right/left/naxal or that Sunanda was killed by Tharoor).

It was sad to see that the guardians of the 4th Pillar of democracy, who had been garnered with the responsibility to uphold the truth, were berating it with half baked lies. But the truth had to come out and thankfully it did come out, sooner rather than later. The truth of Gauri Lankesh and the mystery surrounding her death was brought out and it ensured that the fake propaganda of blaming hindus run by the liberal brigade failed. All throughout this whole concocted drama, one thing that stood out was the hypocrisy and duplicity of these left leaning pseudo journalists, which was just outright deplorable and disgusting, if not laughable.

Gauri Lankesh ’s brother Indrajit Lankesh, renowned Kannada filmmaker, gave a statement that due to her recent investigations she was being threathened by some Naxal groups (please note that she was a naxal sympathiser as well). Having worked as a Hindu bashing journalist for more than 30 years, there was not a scratch on her body and the minute she started exposing the leftist clan and the naxals, she was given her death sentence. By whom? That still remains a big mystery.

Although it seems like Gauri Lankesh was being threatened by the Naxals, since she was helping the government convert naxals and bring them into the mainstream society. Had Gauri Lankesh become a Right-Wing Agent? The Recent Messages on her Phone Seem to Suggest so. These were threats from Naxal Leaders for Gauri’s Naxal rehabilitation efforts.

See the video here where Gauri’s brother Indrajit has spoken about not having faith in the state government.

Please find the video herein below for your kind reference


Irrespective of her political leanings, this murder evidences that while human beings can be silenced, their thoughts can never be. Her murderers, whoever they are, have committed terrible crime, have taken our democracy two steps back.

Such heinous crimes need not only be condemned in the strongest possible manner but her killers be found and punished in the most stringent manner and a precedent be made out of the punishment awarded by the highest Court of this democratic country.

But until then these gun jumping foolish leftists need to hold their horses and patiently wait for law to take its own course. 

Just the same way they publish their articles secularizing terrorists all the time. For all you know, there might just be a closet full of skeletons waiting to tumble out exposing the duplicity of a lot of important people related to Gauri Lankesh.

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