15 Features of the New Rs 50 Note announced by the RBI

New Rs 50 Note Sharda Peeth

Reserve Bank will be releasing a new Rs 50 Note in the Mahatma Gandhi Series. On the rear side, the Note will feature the stone chariot of Hampi which has been the symbol of the Vijayanagara Empire.

As per RBI, the new Rs 50 Note will be of fluorescent Blue Color and will feature Mahatma Gandhi’s Photo in the front of the note. Reserve Bank of India issued a notification regarding the same on Friday, the 18th of August. November last year saw the issuance of two fresh new notes (Rs 500 and 2000) and a fresh new denomination (Rs 2000) altogether. In Modi Government’s ambitious Demonetization program, the old Rs 1000 and 500 notes were declared illegal tenders overnight, a move which still is widely debated.

Here are the details about the New Rs 50 Note:

  1. The Color of the Note is fluorescent Blue
  2. It belongs to the New Mahatma Gandhi Series of notes
  3. The Front of the Note has RBI Governor Urjit Patel’s signature
  4. Its dimensions are 66mmX135mm
  5. The Note’s front has 50 Written in Devnagari and English
  6. The Note’s front has Mahatma Gandhi’s photo right in the middle
  7. The Front of the note has RBI, India and 50 written in Micro-letter
  8. The Security Thread has India and RBI embossed
  9. The right side of the Rs 50 Note contains Ashok’s Emblem, Guarantee Clause, Governor’s Signature and promise to the bearer
  10. The Top left side contains the number panel in which every subsequent Digit will have a bigger font size than the preceding digit
  11. The Right side will also contain Digits in the same pattern in the Number Panel
  12. Mahatma Gandhi’s Photo will have Electrotrope Watermark
  13. The Rear of the note will consist of the printing Year, Swacch Bharat Logo along with the moto
  14. The Rear of the new Rs 50 notes will also contain the language panel
  15. The Rear of the note will contain the Picture of stone chariot of Hampi.

Few Days back an image of an all-new Rs 200 Currency note hit the Indian Internet space and was reported by Finance Dailies like Economic Times too. Economics Times also reported that new Rs 2000 Note will soon go out of the print. As far as the RBI is concerned, there seems to be no confirmation on those two news pieces. But the all new Rs 50 Note is a reality now.

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