Seculars Vs. Communals — Do You Know The Difference?

Seculars Communals muslim mobs riots west bengal

Truth be told. Actually you already know it. This time around, the Seculars attacked the Communals in West Bengal. They have been on a hunt of the Communals for quite some time in the state. The Communal Folks were rightly subjugated and denied of their centuries old traditions which were not even stopped by the foreign seculars of the land while they ruled.

Meet our homegrown, indigenous Seculars. They are the law abiding and peace-loving citizens of the whole nation. Since independence they have been subjugated and tortured right throughout the depleting expanse of India called “Lynchistaan”. When the Seculars are in majority, the Communals do not even get a chance to attack them or lynch them. Forget lynch or maim them, the Communals cannot even follow their age old religious traditions and beliefs. The Seculars make sure that the Communals are shown their place. Therefore it is so volatile where the Seculars are in power and in control that the Communal folks dare not share their views and ideas.

A 17 year old Communal boy posted something on Facebook that enraged the Seculars of the West Bengal to the extent that the situation is so tense, that it is declared Riot hit. Of course, it has to happen this way. And why not? He must be taught a lesson, once and for all. I cannot agree any more with this observation. They must learn this lesson, once and for all. The Seculars are in majority in some areas and the Communals are shed away from there faster than the leaves of a tree in a season. The Communals are majority in most of the areas.

It could be argued that if one calculates the per capita incidents and proportions of the Seculars and Communals rioting against each other, to the great dismay of many, the Seculars would have hit more riots than the Communals. The Communals have been labelled so because it has suited the political interests of many. It has filled the pockets of power and prize for many.  The fact remains where the Communal folks have not been in majority, they have been literally vanquished out of their dignity. This is a democracy, where the Seculars have shown great intolerance to the Communals, wherever they could.

The Communals may learn but they do not remember or remind themselves of their lessons for long. Incorrigible, the Communals. Year after year, decade after decade, century after century, they have remained helpless and hopeless like they were first caught standing in the Somnath temple when a foreign secular desecrated their holy place in front of their eyes.

So while the whole world is being shown the dark side of the Communals for being a majority for as long as history recollects, it is for the world to see the true colours of the Seculars wherever they are in a majority in India. Even if you are Communal for still trying to peacefully live in this nation, you should be prepared to face the two pronged attack of the Seculars. Where they are in minority, they will slander you and question your basis of the Somnath anecdote and several other existential issues. Where they are in majority, well, see the great Secular state of West Bengal for yourself.

The Seculars have a justification of taking law in their own hands. The Communals have to play by the rules. If the Communal Folks do not play by the rules, it is more dangerous for the democracy than the Seculars not playing by the same set of rules.

Congratulations the Super Secular party, you and your by products have successfully shown the whole nation where their “tryst with destiny” truly lies.

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