The Chain of Events Set in Motion by The Liberals of this Country will have Devastating Consequences

liberals muslims hindus

For those of us who have followed the #NotInMyName movement, it always was a communally skewed narrative that portrayed Hindus as oppressors and Muslims as the oppressed. Quite quickly, as it was intended from the very beginning, it created a communally charged environment where emotions ran high and the fear psychosis that the Peaceful community is usually gripped by under even normal circumstances went into overdrive. Liberals are playing with fire here, they have been playing with fire for quite a while. One wonders whether they are aware of the inevitable consequences of their actions and if they are willing to pay the price that such a flawed narrative would entail.

Ever since Narendra Modi assumed the role of Prime Minister of India, Indian liberals have been quite busy at branding India as a nation taken over by Hindu fascism. During Narendra Modi’s Election Campaign, they might have been aware that they were lying about the rise of Hindu Fascism but it seems with time they have come to believe their own lies and are now trapped in a nightmare of their own making. The ones pulling the strings from behind the curtains are well aware about the falsities of their own claims but they are willing to go the distance to dethrone Mr. Modi from the seat of power and ensure that their ecosystem continues to thrive and they continue to occupy the corridors of power.

The reversal of reality is integral to Liberalism, in fact, it is the foundation on which the Cathedral of Liberalism is built upon. And staying true to its character, the #NotInMYName movement captures the very essence of Liberalism all too well. The people at the protests were unabashed in their hatred for Hindus and the disdain they bear in their heart for ‘Cow-belt’ Hindus was on full display. They quite shamelessly ignored the Hindus who were lynched, as per their map all the victims of lynching were Muslims.

The heart of these liberals doesn’t bleed for those farmers whose cattle were stolen by thieves or those policemen who lost their lives while confronting cattle smugglers. The issue of Cow smuggling is inextricably linked with Cow Vigilantism and to view Vigilantism in isolation without taking into account the other is plain distortion and to paint it in communal colors is sheer malice.

Liberals are severely underestimating the extent of angst that Hindus have grown to harbor towards them. Hindus have been demonized constantly while the persecution they have faced at the hands of the Secular State and the Peaceful Community were whitewashed from the mainstream narrative. Liberals have pushed Hindus into a corner and now they are beginning to retaliate. And therefore, Liberals are focusing the entirety of their resources towards creating conflicts between the existing fault lines within the Hindu community and create new ones where there were none. Whether liberals will be able to create discord between different Hindu communities along caste line and linguistic fault lines is something only time will reveal. However, at this moment of time, it seems Hindus have decided to come together ignoring their own differences to confront the menace that seeks to destroy the ways of their ancestors.

Muslims, on the other hand, have an inherent tendency to portray themselves as victims to gain the status of a privileged minority and play the victim card when confronted for the atrocities a significant chunk of their population generally tends to commit. They have perfected the art of playing the victim card while constantly alleging persecution from the dominant community of the country they inhibit. Muslims have been rather unwilling to confront the menace of cow smuggling and illegal slaughterhouses which they seem to have a monopoly over and allege persecution when victims retaliate, often indiscriminately where even innocent Muslims inevitably end up paying the crimes of others from their brethren. When some Muslims are charged with celebrating Pakistan’s victory over India, instead of admitting and trying to rectify the prevalence of such impermissible extraterritorial loyalty in their midst, they instead clamor for the right to celebrate Pakistan’s victory. Such recurrent refusal to assimilate with Hindus and address the severe problem of radicalization in their midst only goes to exacerbate the fissure between the communities that has been prevalent for a thousand years.

Worth noting it is the kind of people who participated in and championed this movement. The participants ranged from the most rabid Hindu haters to closet Islamists to full blown Islamists. The tactic they employed to fool normally sane people into supporting their charade is one that has been used many times before. “We are protesting against Mob lynching! If you don’t support us, then you support Lynching people!” And unsurprisingly, quite a few people fell for it. One wonders the conceit one must be capable of to accuse anyone who is unwilling to pander to their political ambition of supporting a crime as horrible as lynching. And of course, the narrative they were peddling wasn’t one of a protest against mob lynching, it was against Hindu fascism that has supposedly taken over India. Some fascism it is when Hindus cannot even go on a pilgrimage in their own land without Military support.

In their attempt to malign Narendra Modi and denigrate Hinduism, Liberals have managed to create a fertile environment for Islamic Radicalization to thrive. The Fear Psychosis that a significant chunk of Muslims suffer from has been encouraged by liberals with vested interests and the chain of events they have set in motion is unlikely to lead us anywhere fruitful. Islamic terrorist groups can and will use the environment created by liberals to strengthen their ranks. If only they didn’t have enough ammunition already, now liberals have gifted them with a golden opportunity to further sow the seeds of hatred among our Islamic community. Liberals are hand in gloves with Islamic terrorists at this point and are acting as the propaganda wing of the forces that seek to destroy us.

Times Now carried a report on its website on the 1st of July where it was reported that Muslim women have threatened to take up arms if the government does not punish the culprits. They believe the authorities are in cahoots with the culprits and the government is protecting these criminals. While such a threat can and should be deemed the words of families in distress of losing one of their loves ones, it speaks amply of where the road leads if such a narrative is permitted to thrive.

The rift between authorities and Muslims does not bode well for the peace of the nation and the narrative is only going to fuel more suspicion in the minds of Muslims about authorities.

Perhaps this is exactly the sort of environment liberals hoped to create for they can then pose themselves as saviors in such circumstances and the only ones who can restore normalcy in these times of distress they helped create in the first place. If liberals are under the impression they can manage to avoid the consequences of their actions, they are sorely mistaken. For the tentacles of Karma are long and wide and Karma will eventually catch up with them. It always does.

With their #NotInMyName movement and their incessant scaremongering about Hindu Fascism, liberals have created a fertile ground for Islamic radicalization. But they forget, radicalization is a two-way process.

And the sentiments of far too many Hindus have been hurt wantonly for the mere purpose of defaming Narendra Modi.

Judging from their behavior so far, if riots against Hindus are perpetuated after a certain section of the Peaceful community deems it to be the only way to resist Hindu fascism, then the same liberals will then blame Cow Vigilantism for the riots. Amidst this false narrative of Hindu fascism that has been peddled, the eyes of many Hindus have been opened and they see with greater clarity the odds they are up against. The chain of events that have been set in motion will have devastating consequences. Liberals might still be harboring the delusion that when things turn ugly, they can shrug the blame off their shoulders by pointing fingers towards Narendra Modi and the mythical Hindu fascism but they are wrong to believe they will be able to avoid consequences of their actions. The threads of unity keeping this country together is running thin and while it might still be possible to avoid the calamity that we seem to be hurtling towards inevitably, it will soon turn utterly unavoidable if liberals continue to pursue with their wretched ways.

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