A Kashmiri Pandit tears into Shabnam Lone for her outrageous remarks against the Community

shabnam lone kashmiri pandits

Image Courtesy: iReport

Last night Shabnam Lone made a sensational ‘disclosure’ on an India Today Show, instead of condemning Naeem Khan & the other Hurriyat stooges who admitted on camera that they had burnt down schools and created unrest in the Valley for the sake of money, she declared that “Kashmiri Pandits are militants” and that they are responsible for ‘this problem’!

Ms Shabnam Lone has been known for her frequent, rather colourful appearances on various TV Channels. She’s also known to duck uncomfortably pointed questions about separatism, Burhan Wani and her nationality! Then why did she make such a ridiculously petty statement? Being a practising lawyer at the Supreme Court, she obviously knows the significance of her utterances.

Ms Shabnam Lone ‘s shocking accusation needs to be seen in a certain context, this past week Kashmiri politicians and activists have had it pretty rough!

Inspired by the swashbuckling launch of ‘Republic’ several TV Channels ran Exposes revealing the sordid truth about the reasons for the continued violence in Kashmir. Stung by these disclosures that were watched by millions, the Kashmiri agents ran for cover and in the process, exposed themselves further.

First, they disgraced themselves by staying mum at the brutal killing of a Kashmiri soldier by militants from his own Valley. Then, in their clumsy effort to salvage their ‘dignity’ and pride they vehemently denied that the funeral of that soldier was marred by stone-pelting!

Later that week, Zakir Musa, who happens to be Burhan Wani’s successor, let the cat out of the bag by underlining that what was being fought in Kashmir was not in fact a struggle for ‘azadi‘ but clear-cut Islamic Jihad. He also threatened the Hurriyat leaders with a public hanging at Lal Chowk.

Again, the local netas went into damage-control mode vociferously denying Musa’s claim and hinting that this was a ‘conspiracy’ to defame Kashmiri Muslims! Anyone familiar with Kashmir would know how every calamity in Kashmir is infamously passed off as ‘Markaz ki chaal’ (conspiracy by the Centre)!

Coming back to Musa, by evening, the local commander of the Hizbul Mujahideen who had been the toast of town, was suddenly persona non grata & had been disowned and chucked out of Hizbul Mujahideen. Some people were desperately trying to save face!

How would they explain away the fact that the local militants, who had been targeting the security forces till now, had started targeting Kashmiri policemen and a young Kashmiri soldier? To top it all, there were these string of investigative reports damning the Hurriyat.

As the pressure built up and the hypocrites got cornered, they lashed out at their age-old bugbear the hapless Kashmiri Pandit.

As Ms Shabnam Lone’s face twisted with uncontrollable hatred, she lashed out and ascribed this particular ‘conspiracy’ not to the Centre, but the Kashmiri Hindus who were not supposed to be seen or heard! Poor Shabnam Lone must have wondered how these people, whom she and her ilk had treated as second-class citizens in Kashmir, had suddenly found their voice and actually found the temerity to speak on TV debates!

Thanks to Ms Shabnam Lone’s inability to put a lid on her true feelings, the Community that until now was known only for it’s ability to wield the pen, has now been deemed ‘worthy’ of fighting the battle for Kashmir. If the tireless and non-violent espousal of our Cause and our fight for justice with no damage to human lives or property, makes us ‘militants’ in the eyes of those who deprived us of our homes, so be it!

We are proud to be called ‘militant’ Kashmiri Pandits!

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