Rohingya Refugees, you are not welcome in India

Rohingya muslims in india

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//An estimated 5,000 Rohingya refugees live around Delhi, with a particularly large number living in slums along Sohna Road near Gurgaon. Officials also red flagged such clusters following evidence that a section of the Rohingya community has been radicalized by pan-Islamist groups. These groups have attracted a few Rohingyas by promising to help them carry out retribution against Myanmar, Bangladesh and India.//

//There are sizeable Rohingya populations in Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh, in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and even Jammu and Kashmir. Rohingya refugees are often seen protesting in Delhi outside the United Nations Human Rights Commission asking for UN refugees status.//

(From the Hindustan Times Article)


During the Pakistan Movement in the 1940s, Rohingya Muslims in western Burma organized a separatist movement to merge the region into East Pakistan. Before the independence of Burma in January 1948, Muslim leaders from Arakan addressed themselves to Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, and asked his assistance in incorporating the Mayu region to Pakistan considering their religious affinity and geographical proximity with East Pakistan.

After Jinnah’s refusal, Rohingya elders founded the Mujahid party as a jihad movement in northern Arakan in 1947. The aim of the Mujahid party was to create an autonomous Muslim state in Arakan. By the 1950s, they began to use the term “Rohingya” which may be a continuation of the term Rooinga to establish a distinct identity and identify themselves as indigenous. They were much more active before the 1962 Burmese coup d’état by General Ne Win. Ne Win carried out military operations against them over a period of two decades. The prominent one was Operation King Dragon, which took place in 1978; as a result, many Muslims in the region fled to neighboring Bangladesh as refugees. In addition to Bangladesh, a large number of Rohingyas also migrated to Karachi, Pakistan.

Rohingya mujahideen are still active within the remote areas of Arakan.

India lost 20% of land area to Pakistan or call it the Islamic state of those times.
“They” tried to do in Myanmar, what they did in India.

But let’s focus on the west and talk about even the smallest events occurring in the west.
Hindu Nationalist failed to propagate these historical facts among the common masses and make it a common knowledge.

Myanmar’s history is linked to Bharat’s, their fights with British and the communal clash is also very similar in nature what was in Bharat. The difference being, they are fighting even today.

Also, those who toss Buddhism against Hinduism to prove the intrinsic nature of Hinduism being violent and how Buddhism is all about peace. Such a narrative take a hit when examples from other Asian regions are brought into the picture.

Letting Rohingya s settle in India, will prove to be a catalyst in the process of Islamization of Bharat.


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