These Indian cities should be renamed Immediately

indian cities

Image Courtesy: Indian Rail Info

While it’s a common practice to name streets, cities and localities on famous personalities, who are considered role models in society. It is a surprising thing that in India we have cities named on Mass Murderers, Looters, Rapists and people who are basically a shame on Humanity who did nothing but ethnic cleansing throughout their lives.

While it is completely understandable that they were once the ruler of that particular place or their followers may have named these places when they were in power. But after 70 years of freedom isn’t it ironical that we still have our city names on them? Just to garner some vote banks haven’t we become the most hypocritical nation in the world to undermine our culture by highlighting the ideology of Invaders.

Let’s look at some of the Indian cities which should be renamed immediately:-

1.Aurangabad: -It comes as a no-brainer that we still have cities named on this brutal oppressor who destroyed thousands of temples, including our most sacred temples- Kashi Vishwanath-Banaras, Keshva Deo Temple-Mathura, Somnath Temple-Gujarat in the most barbarous manner possible. The saddest part is that we have city named after this tyrant in 2 big states of our country(Maharashtra & Bihar), which are more than 1000 kms apart from each other. I mean what’s stopping us free Indians to immediately change the name of Aurangabad to something sensible which we Indians can be proud of. Aurangzeb’s barbarity is historically recordedand yet after 70 years of Independence, we are still continuing with this brutal rulers legacy.While some attempts were made by Shiv Sena in 2011 to rename it as Shambhaji Nagar, it was purposefully stopped by the Congress- NCP alliance that was ruling the state at that time.With the BJP now in the state and Centre we hope the change is not delayed further.

2. Ahmedabad: -Ahmedabad was previously known as Karnavati named after Karna, the Chaulukya ruler of Gujarat. The city was first established in 11th century by the name of Ashaval when Karna successfully defeated the Bhil King of Ahaval in war and named the city on the banks of Sabarmati as Karnavati. It continued with this name for 4 centuries before finally coming under the control of Sultan Ahmed Shah of Muzaffarid Dynasty in 1411 and he named it Ahmedabad in praise of 4 Ahmads-Kazi Ahmad, Malik Ahmad, his Islamic teacher Shaikh Ahmad Khattu and himself. He is credited with the destruction of Rudra Mahalaya Temple in Sidhpur and converting it into a new Mosque known as Jami Mosque.

3.Muzaffar Nagar: -The city was previously named Sarwat and during Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan’s rule Munawar Lashkar named it as Muzaffar Nagar, honouring his father Muzaffar Ali.While during forcible acquisition of this city he murdered Brahmins and all other common classes of Hindus in cold blood.

4.Allahabad:Prayag the pious of Indian cities, was renamed Illahabad in 1575 under Mughal ruler Akbar. The city has a huge importance in Hindu scriptures and is popularly known as Triveni Sangam due to the confluence of three holy rivers i.e. Ganga, Jamuna and Saraswati. The name Prayag itself signifies the meaning of confluence of water bodies and naming it Allahabad makes absolutely no sense to this ancient city which first came under the notorious Islamic rule of Muhammad Ghori.

5. Hyderabad: -This historical city and its surrounding areas were earlier popularly known as Golkonda and were a part of the Chaulakya dynasty from 624 AD to 1075 AD. It subsequently came under the rule of Alauddin Khilji in 1310. Historians have also pointed out to it being named as Bhagyanagar during its founding years. It was later changed to Hyderabad meaning ‘Haydar’s City’ in honour of Caliph Ali Ibn Abi Talib of Arabia, also known by the name of Haydar or Lion in Arabic. He was instrumental in waging war against polytheists, breaking their idols and was influential in spreading of Islam by either murdering them or converting them along the way while destroying their 1000 years of culture and heritage.

I know just the idea of changing names of these Indian cities will draw huge criticism from our leftist intellectuals and mainstream media. But let’s learn from the world, if there can’t be any city or street named after Hitler in entire Europe and Russia has successfully changed the name of their once famous city of Stalingrad, which was an important part of their world war history to Volgograd what’s stopping us?

What’s stopping the free India to take pride in indigenous culture and not to play into the hands of mainstream media, secular political parties and leftist intellectuals who are comfortable in breaking the moral fabric of the nation for their vote banks.

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