PM Modi not welcome – Presidency University, Kolkata

presidency university modi

The strength of a civilization can be very well gauged from its universities. A strong civilization ensures that its civilizational ethos are nurtured and passed down across generations through its universities. One look at our universities and it becomes plainly clear that the great Hindu Civilization is currently on a highway to annihilation. Once upon a time, our universities were great centers of learning and thought, now they’re little more than bastions of degeneracy.

When we speak of degeneracy in our universities, the two that immediately attract our attention are Jadavpur University and JNU. However, we should be mindful of the fact that these are merely symptoms of the disease, not the disease itself. The disease itself however is much harder to detect as it cloaks itself in highest forms of piety. There is great malice at work here and the disease, of course, is Liberalism.

Liberalism has so comprehensively hijacked our universities that there is hardly any shred of Indian-ness left in them.

Proponents of liberalism would beg to differ with me, I am sure, but even they must admit that Liberalism is perennially at war with the Indian school of thought. Until now, Liberalism has bulldozed through all opposition by positioning itself as superior to every other school of thought and morally shaming its opponents and employing coarse rhetoric instead of engaging in healthy debate.

The complete Westernization of our education systems has manifested itself by promoting a morbid hatred in our youth of everything that is native, of everything that is our own. Our universities no longer promote our civilizational ethos, they actively undermine the future of our civilization by turning its very youth against itself. Not only are the taxpayers paying for their own demise by paying for the welfare schemes of those who seek to destroy us, they’re also paying for it by subsidizing universities who are constantly trying to undermine our civilization.

The most recent incident that brought these thoughts to the forefront of my attention involves the Presidency University. On the 20th of January, the University shall commence its bicentennial celebrations at Kolkata. The University has invited the President and even former Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, for the momentous occasion. However, the University has refrained from inviting Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, “keeping in mind the secular fabric of the institution’s history.” How fragile must have its secular fabric really become, that its harmed even by basic decency.

One is forced to ask at this moment, how would inviting the Prime Minister of the world’s largest democracy undermine the secular fabric of an institution? Such juvenility can be excused if students indulge in it but the management of a university is expected to act more maturely. When students err, it falls on the authorities to instruct him on the right path but when the authorities themselves compromise basic decency, who will bell the cat?

The decision of the Presidency University at Kolkata, to not invite Narendra Modi is merely a futile exercise in assuming the morally superior ground while thoroughly lacking in basic decency and courtesy.

It is the duty of the university officials to lead their students by example. When authorities themselves display such bankruptcy of ethics and morality, it is not really a surprise then that Bengal, which once could boast of being the beacon of intellect of India, has so pathetically fallen from grace.

Such discourteous conduct however, is only to be expected from liberals, who never fail to throw childish tantrums to prove their ‘holier than thou’ stature. It must be really hard, I imagine, to constantly act as the bearers of the moral standards of society. The liberal suffers from the delusion that his allegiance to certain fancy words such as ‘Secularism’ and ‘Equality’ somehow make him a better person automatically and his conduct has no significant bearing in his personality. The liberal believes that the masses are unwashed ravenous creatures who are in desperate need of being saved by his intellect. No doubt, the university authorities perceived their decision of not inviting Narendra Modi as a symbolic gesture of resistance, a deliberate slight inflicted on an enemy. However, they do not realize by doing so, they’ve only exposed their own conceit and little more. The liberal perceives leading the masses he deems ignorant to be his duty but he does not realize that his personal belief system does not absolve him of the responsibility of observing the most basic acts of decency.

In the liberal echo chamber, there is always a raging competition underway over who could emerge as the most superior among the bearers of the moral standards of the society. Power hungry as they are and perennially thirsty for personal glory, in the ongoing power struggle, they often lose focus of mundane realities such as decency and integrity and compassion. Thus, they often resort to eccentricities of a grand scale and seek to impose the opinions formed inside the four walls of the echo chamber onto the whole population. And when the population calls them out on their preposterous conduct, they console themselves by allowing themselves to believe that the masses aren’t intelligent enough to absorb the profound knowledge that they have imparted.

The imminent danger, of course, is that our youth are being brainwashed into such delusions of grandeur. There is an immediate need to cleanse the universities of the malaise that afflicts them today and plant in them the seeds which would go on to yield sweets fruits of prosperity for our civilization in the future. Unless our universities are rescued from the clutches of liberalism and infused with our civilizational ethos, India can never truly hope to realize the full potential of the intellectual prowess of its citizens.

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